Senior procurement executive definition
Senior procurement executive means, for DoD—
Senior procurement executive means the individual appointed pursuant to section 16(3) of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act (41 U.S.C. 414(3)) who is responsi- ble for management direction of the acquisition system of the executive agency, including implementation of the unique acquisition policies, regulations, and standards of the executive agency.
Senior procurement executive. (SPE) means the agency official
Examples of Senior procurement executive in a sentence
Th e Dep u t y Associ a t e Ad m i n is t ra t o r fo r Acq u isi t io n P olic y se r ves a s t h e HCA fo r Ce n t ra l Office co n t ra c t i n g a c- t ivi t ies o u t side of F TS , F SS , an d P B S .Senior procurement executive m e an s t h e Dep u t y Associ a t e Ad m i n is t ra t o r fo r Acq u isi t io n P olic y .
The identity of the designated official shall becommunicated to procuring staff and the Senior procurement executive.* * * * *Head of the contracting activitymeans the Associate Administrator for Acquisition Policy, Commissioners of the Federal Supply Service (FSS),Information Technology Service (ITS), Public Buildings Service (PBS), or Regional Administrators.
More Definitions of Senior procurement executive
Senior procurement executive means the Deputy Chief Acquisition Officer.
Senior procurement executive or “SPE” means the single agency official appointed as such by the head of the agency and delegated broad responsibility for acquisition functions, including issuing agency acquisition policy and reporting on acquisitions agency-wide. The SPE also acts as the official one level above the contracting officer when the HCA is acting as a contracting officer.
Senior procurement executive means the individual appointed pursuant to 41 U.S.C. 1702(c) who is responsible for management direction of the acquisition system of the executive agency, including implementation of the unique acquisition policies, regulations, and standards of the execu- tive agency.
Senior procurement executive. (SPE) means the agency official appointed as such by the head of the agency pursuant to Executive Order 12931. The Director, Office of Procurement and Property Management, has been designated as the USDA SPE.
Senior procurement executive means the Assistant Administrator or Deputy Assistant Administrator for Procurement, Office of Procurement, NASA Headquarters (Code H).
Senior procurement executive means, the individuals who are responsible for management direction of the acquisition system of NNSA, including implementation of the unique acquisition policies, regulations, and standards of NNSA. For NNSA, it is the Administrator for Nuclear Security and the Director, Acquisition and Supply Management.
Senior procurement executive means the Associate Administrator or Deputy Associate Administrator for Procurement, Office of Procurement, NASA Headquarters (Code H).