Examples of Service secretary in a sentence
Paragraph (2) of subsection (c) as added by this proposal reinstates the exclusion for reserve component GO/FOs who are authorized to serve on active duty for a period of not morethan 365 days, as authorized by the Service secretary, and that number shall not exceed 10% of the authorized number of general or flag officers, as the case may be, of that armed force under section 12004 of title 10.
It is a federal LEA and an Armed Force of the United States whose Service secretary is the Secretary of DHS.
Applicants met by social worker and then invited to information meeting with 6/7 couples, within 2 months.NEHBEnquiries by phone are dealt with by the Adoption Service secretary.
Over time, in- terventions and focus areas have developed (as described below) in response to data and experiences.
Recruiting officers will be appointed by the appropriate Service secretary.
Gail Darby, Pupil Personnel Service secretary, was awarded the Classified Employee of the Month honor by Director Helen Rodriguez, PPS.
If appropriate, a Foreign Service national employee or Foreign Service secretary may act as stenographer, charging fees set forth in 22 CFR 22.1.
Note this is a shift on reasoning regarding heresy from a dogmatic aspect to a pure loyalty aspect.
Associate Chief Justice Dennis O’Connor struck the subcommittee that reported in 2013.
While inaugurating the programme, the Mission Legal Service secretary informed the participants about the importance of creating legal awareness to provide access to jus- tice to the needy.Further, she highlighted the role of students, lawyers, judges, social workers, district and mandal authorities to make villages as dis- pute and litigation free model vil- lages.