Secretary concerned definition

Secretary concerned. ’ means, as applicable—
Secretary concerned means either the Secretary of the
Secretary concerned. ’ means the Secretary

Examples of Secretary concerned in a sentence

  • A grant will be for a term of five years and the Secretary concerned shall reserve a sum equal to the total approved grant amount for each grantee.

  • No permit to drill on an oil and gas lease issued under this chapter may be granted without the analysis and ap- proval by the Secretary concerned of a plan of operations covering proposed surface-disturbing activities within the lease area.

  • The Secretary concerned shall, by rule or regulation, establish such standards as may be necessary to ensure that an adequate bond, surety, or other financial arrangement will be established prior to the commencement of surface-disturbing activities on any lease, to ensure the complete and timely reclamation of the lease tract, and the restora- tion of any lands or surface waters adversely af- fected by lease operations after the abandon- ment or cessation of oil and gas operations on the lease.

  • The Secretary concerned will designate the maximum allowable size for grants.

  • A No- tice of Funding Availability (NOFA) will be published periodically in the FEDERAL REGISTER by the Secretary concerned containing the amounts of funds available, allocation or distribu- tion of funds available among eligible applicant groups, where to obtain and submit applications, the deadline for submissions, and further explanation of the selection criteria, review and selec- tion process.

More Definitions of Secretary concerned

Secretary concerned. ’ means the Secretary of Agri-
Secretary concerned means: (1) The Secretary of the Army, with respect to retired members of the Army and mem- bers of the Army Reserve;(2) The Secretary of the Navy, with respect to retired members of the Navy and the Marine Corps, members of the Navy and Marine Corps Reserves, and retired members of the Coast Guard and members of the Coast Guard Re- serve when the Coast Guard is oper- ating as a service in the Navy;(3) The Secretary of the Air Force, with respect to retired members of the Air Force and members of the Air Force Reserve;
Secretary concerned means the Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of a military department.
Secretary concerned. ’ means a group comprised
Secretary concerned means the Secretary of the Air Force or the
Secretary concerned means the Secretary of the armed service affected). For a servicemember who has less than 20 years of service, the Secretary must de- termine, inter alia, that the disability “is at least 30 per- cent under the standard schedule of rating disabilities in use by the Veteran’s Administration”—which has since been renamed the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), see 10 U.S.C. 1201(b)(3)(B); Pet. App. 9 n.3—“at
Secretary concerned means the Secretary of a military department. It