Serviced Goods definition

Serviced Goods means the goods and/or systems (as appropriate) and any configuration thereof listed in the Company’s relevant quotation, SOA or Service Plan Information Sheet;
Serviced Goods means parts, materials, tools or any other items that are sent to Company for service, and that are intended to be returned to Buyer following service pursuant to, or in connection with, a Repair Order. It includes Articles but it may also include goods that are not Articles.
Serviced Goods means the goods and/or systems (as appropriate) and any configuration thereof listed in the Services Schedule;

Examples of Serviced Goods in a sentence

  • The Company may prior to accepting any order from the Purchaser to provide the Services, carry out at the expense of the Purchaser an inspection of the Serviced Goods as the Company reasonably requires.

  • If the Company reasonably determines that the Serviced Goods are not in good operating condition prior to start of performance of the Services, the Company may require the Purchaser to effect such adjustments as it determines necessary and, if the Company agrees to provide such adjustments the Purchaser will pay for such work on a time and materials basis.

  • The Purchaser shall not acquire any right or interest in the same except, if the SOA so requires, the Company shall grant or procure the grant of a licence to the Purchaser to (i) use relevant Software with the Goods or the Serviced Goods to or at the direction of the Purchaser or (ii) use materials created specifically for the Purchaser in the course of the Services.

  • During any Extended Period, either party may terminate any Service Plan element of a Contract for Serviced Goods by giving sixty (60) days’ notice in writing to the other party, such notice expiring on any anniversary of such Extended Period.

  • The Purchaser shall not seek to abstract from the Goods any confidential information regarding their design, construction or otherwise (and without limiting the foregoing shall not decompile any software comprised in the Goods or Serviced Goods) and all rights subsisting in such material are reserved.

  • Without prejudice to the foregoing, the provision of the Services is not a guarantee that any Serviced Goods will operate uninterrupted or without error, nor is it a guarantee against obsolescence.

  • The Company may send a replacement part for the Purchaser to replace a defective part with or, if such replacement requires technical skills which the Purchaser does not possess, the Company shall send an Engineer to repair the Serviced Goods in situ or may have them returned to its premises; if the latter, the risk in the Serviced Goods shall at all time remain the Purchaser’s and they shall be packaged as the Company instructs and despatched at the Company’s expense.

  • Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Company shall have no obligation to provide Services in respect of Serviced Goods which are moved to a new location from that specified in the SOA and/or Service Plan Information Sheet and may charge additional rates for such Services.

  • The Serviced Goods must be fully installed and accepted by the Purchaser.

  • Greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions occur at each step of the biofuel value chain: during plant growth6, crop harvest, transportation of the feedstock to the processing plant, conversion process, distribution to the fuel terminal and finally combustion in the vehicle’s engine.

More Definitions of Serviced Goods

Serviced Goods means the goods and/or systems (as appropriate) and any configuration thereof listed in the Service Schedule; “Service Schedule” means the statement of work, schedule or SOA
Serviced Goods means any goods in respect of which the services are to be or, as appropriate, have been provided by MTMS.
Serviced Goods any item which has been repaired or serviced by the Company as part of the Services.

Related to Serviced Goods

  • Wholesaler means any person, other than a vintner, brewer or bottler of beer or wine, who shall sell, barter, exchange, offer for sale, have in possession with intent to sell, deal or traffic in alcoholic liquor, wine, or beer. A wholesaler shall not sell for consumption upon the premises.

  • Manufactured products means items and construction materials composed in whole or in part of non-ferrous metals such as aluminum; plastics and polymer-based products such as polyvinyl chloride pipe; aggregates such as concrete; glass, including optical fiber; and lumber.

  • Tobacco product means any substance containing tobacco leaf, including but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, hookah tobacco, snuff, chewing tobacco, dipping tobacco, bidis, blunts, clove cigarettes, or any other preparation of tobacco; and any product or formulation of matter containing biologically active amounts of nicotine that is manufactured, sold, offered for sale, or otherwise distributed with the expectation that the product or matter will be introduced into the human body by inhalation; but does not include any cessation product specifically approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use in treating nicotine or tobacco dependence.

  • Third Party Originating Carrier means a Telecommunications Carrier that originates Transit Traffic that transits AT&T-TSP’s network and is delivered to CLEC.