Setup definition
Setup means documentation, submitted by a Subrecipient, necessary for the GLO to determine that housing sites meet minimum eligibility criteria, resulting in approval for the Subrecipient to move forward with the projects.
Setup includes:
Setup file & a "Monthly Update" file.
Examples of Setup in a sentence
Output of this phase is qualified Technical Design of the Integrated Setup and agreed scope of production of the setup.
Output of this phase is Qualified Conceptual Design of the Integrated Setup and agreed scope of technical design of the setup.
Program Set-up One-time Charge US$0 Cost Avoidance Fee Invoiced on or about the 5th Day of each month of the term Cost Avoidance Basis (CAB) = AWP less [X]% [X]% of CAB Specific Claim Maximum The maximum fee charged per prescription drug claim per Plan participant per year.
More Definitions of Setup
Setup means the first configuration or implementation of Product with the Customer.
Setup means the operations performed at the
Setup or "installation" means the operations performed at the
Setup. The global parameters consist of a prime number p = 2m3nf 1 where f is 1 or a small prime, a supersingular elliptic curve E/Fp2 , and four points PA, QA, PB, QB E(Fp2 ) such that PA, QA = E[2m] and PB, QB = E[3n].
Setup or "installation" means the operations performed at the occupancy site which render manufactured and modular homes fit for habitation. Such operations include but are not limited to, positioning, blocking, leveling, supporting, tying down, making minor adjustments and trim out, and assembling multiple or expandable units in the final construction process.
Setup has the meaning set out in Appendix 2E [Equipment and Furniture];
Setup means, in connection with the transfer of servicing of Loans and REO Properties to Servicer, the conversion of any data tape from the Current Servicer, the uploading and quality control review of data, the uploading of final trial balances, the posting of interim payment activity of the Loans, the setup of tax, escrow and insurance records, and the management of the document delivery process.