Connectivity definition
Examples of Connectivity in a sentence
If you are submitting an allocation for School Connectivity complete this table.Note that the calculated Total at the bottom of the table must equal the Total allocation for this category that you entered in the SSIP Overview overall budget.
Connectivity criteria like short circuit level (for switchgear), neutral Grounding, fault clearance time, current unbalance (including negative and zero sequence currents), limit of harmonics etc.
For this purpose, representatives of bidders (i.e. Supplier organization) duly authorized are requested to carry a Laptop and Wireless Connectivity to Internet.
For this purpose, representatives of bidders (i.e. Supplier organization) dully authorized are requested to carry a Laptop and Wireless Connectivity to Internet.
Connectivity Speed Calculator (Required) Number of StudentsMultiply by 100 KbpsDivide by 1000 to Convert to Required Speed in MbCurrent Speed in MbExpected Speed to be Attained Within 12 MonthsExpected Date When Required Speed Will be MetCalculated Speed(No Response)(No Response)(No Response)(No Response)(No Response)(No Response) 3.Describe how you intend to use Smart Schools Bond Act funds for high-speed broadband and/or wirelessconnectivity projects in school buildings.