Examples of Sexual stimulation in a sentence
Sexual stimulation or masturbation with or without nudity is also prohibited.
Sexual stimulation generates electrical impulses along the nerves going to the penis and causes the nerves to release nitric oxide which in turn increases the production of cyclic GMP (cGMP) in the smooth muscle cells of the corpora cavernosa.
Sexual stimulation involves physical and psychological aspects, and people respond in different ways, at different times3.
Sexual stimulation causes local release of NO that increases cGMP.
Capital is composed of paid-in capital of YTL 25,000, which consists of 250,000 shares, each with aQRPLQDO YDOXH RI <7/ 0,10, SXUVXDQW WR $UWLFOH 5 RI &HQWUDO %DQN /DZ 1R 1211; DQG DQ LQÁDWLRQ DGMXVWPHQWdifference of paid-in capital, of YTL 46,208,524, as per the decrees of Law No 5024.
Sexual stimulation includes situations like foreplay with a partner, self-stimulation (masturbation), or sexual fantasy.CHECK ONLY ONE BOX PER QUESTION.Sexual desire or interest is a feeling that includes wanting to have a sexual experience, feeling receptive to a partner's sexual initiation, and thinking or fantasizing about having sex.
Sexual stimulation was also used to induce an out-of-body experience.
If approved by Council, support is contingent on: Intellectual property is retained by RACS and licenced to the requesting party.
Sexual stimulation causes the release of neurotransmitters from the cavernosal non-adrenergic non-cholinergic (NANC) nerve endings, and relaxation factors from the endothelial cells that line the sinusoids.