Examples of Shareholder Undertaking in a sentence
Shareholder Undertaking for a Health Profession Corporation for every new shareholder of the corporation who has not already submitted an undertaking;4.
Every new shareholder of the corporation, including directors and officers, must each sign a copy of the Shareholder Undertaking for a Health Profession Corporation.
Please note that shareholders are required to report any change in shareholders to the College within thirty (30) days, and any future shareholder of the corporation must complete and submit a Shareholder Undertaking with the College within thirty (30) days of becoming a shareholder.
The obligations of EUL under the Controlling Shareholder Undertaking have been guaranteed by EI.
EUL, subject to certain conditions being satisfied, has in the Controlling Shareholder Undertaking committed EUR 20 million to the Company.
Shareholder Undertaking for a Health Profession Corporation completed by each shareholder including all directors;3.
Accordingly the Company believes that it will have satisfied the requirement of the Restructuring Plan for a capital injection to have occurred by 30 November 2014.As a means of ensuring that at least EUR 20 million is raised, the Company and EUL entered into the Controlling Shareholder Undertaking.
Every shareholder of the corporation, including all directors and officers, must each sign a copy of the Shareholder Undertaking for a Professional Corporation.
Shareholder Undertaking China Telecom, our largest Shareholder, holds 2,926,752,080 Domestic Shares, representing approximately 77.5% of the total Domestic Shares in issue and approximately 50.7% of the Company’s issued Shares as at the date of this announcement.
As set out in paragraph3.4 of this Announcement, the Subscriber Shareholder has, pursuant to the Subscriber Shareholder Undertaking, undertaken to the Company and OG to waive his right to receive one (1) new OG Share upon the issuance of the new OG Shares to the Subscriber Shareholder pursuant to the Scheme so that the Subscriber Shareholder will holdexactly the same number of OG Shares on the Scheme Effective Date as the number of Shares which the Subscriber Shareholder holds on the Scheme Record Date.