Examples of Shenzhen Company in a sentence
In 2011, the Company’s two wholly owned subsidiaries, MTR Corporation (Shenzhen) Limited and MTR Property (Shenzhen) Company Limited, won the bid for Lot 1 of the Shenzhen Metro Longhua Line Depot Site.
According to the judgement located, the action was brought by 上海銘源實業集團有限公司 Shanghai Mingyuan Enterprises Group Limited (“Shanghai Mingyuan”) as plaintiff against 道格特醫療科技(深圳)有限公司 Dao Ge Te Medical Technology (Shenzhen) Company Limited (“Dao Ge Te”) and 上海天壇普華醫院有限公司 Shanghai Tian Tan Pu Hwa Hospital Company Limited (“Tian Tan”) as defendants to enforce a share charge of all the Shanghai Weiyi shares (see below).
Delaware Shenghui Fashion (Shenzhen) Company Limited China Skylark Sport Marketing Corporation California Verwaltungsgesellschaft Mexx Direct mbh Germany Westcoast Contempo Fashions Limited Canada Westcoast Contempo Promenade, Inc.
Xin Tong Chan Development (Shenzhen) Company Limited (新通產實業開發(深圳)有限公司) holds 30.03% equity of Shenzhen Expressway Company Limited.
Organisational scope: the companies covered under this report included the Company, and its subsidiaries, CEC Huada Electronic Design Co., Ltd (“Huada Electronics”), Shanghai Huahong Integrated Circuit Co., Ltd and China Electronics Huada Technology (Shenzhen) Company Limited.
On 3 May 2012, the two subsidiaries established a project company in the Mainland of China, MTR Property Development (Shenzhen) Company Limited, to undertake residential and commercial development of the site (“Shenzhen Property Project”).
The land-use right relating to Meiguan Expressway owned by Shenzhen Meiguan Expressway Company Limited (‘Meiguan Company’), the subsidiary, was injected by Xin Tong Chan Development (Shenzhen) Company Limited (‘Xin Tong Chan Company’), one of the promoters of the Company, at the value specified in respective investment agreement.
The creditor and the debtor Springpower Technology (Shenzhen) Company Limited entered into this contract of maximum amount comprehensive credit line whose number is SX 162618000784, and has or will enter into the separate facility business contract, as well as amendments and supplements.
The land-use right relating to Meiguan Expressway owned by Shenzhen Meiguan Expressway Company Limited (“Meiguan Company”), a subsidiary, was invested by Xin Tong Chan Development (Shenzhen) Company Limited (“Xin Tong Chan Company”), one of the promoters of the Company, at the value specified in the respective investment agreement.
It was entitled to tax exemption from 2019 to 2020 and entitled to a preferential CIT rate of 12.5% from 2021 to 2023.Shengyue Software (Shenzhen) Company Limited was accredited as a “software enterprise” in 2019 under relevant PRC laws and regulations.