Examples of Malta in a sentence
Lithuania SEB Bankas Luxembourg Banque et Caisse d’Epargne de l’Etat (BCEEL) Malaysia HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad Mali Société Générale de Banques en Côte d’Ivoire Malta HSBC Bank Malta plc Mauritius HSBC Ltd.
Mali Dépositaire Central – Banque de Règlement Malta Central Securities Depository of the Malta Stock Exchange Mauritius Bank of Mauritius Central Depository and Settlement Co. Ltd.
For the purposes of this Agreement, any notice duly sent by email shall be deemed to be delivered and received upon transmission, provided that notices sent after 17:00HRS CET on a working day, and notices sent on a Saturday, Sunday or on a public or national holiday in Malta, shall be deemed to be received at 09:00HRS CET of the immediately-following working day.
All disputes directly arising under this Agreement, which cannot be settled amicably, shall be referred to final and binding arbitration in terms of Part IV of the Arbitration Act (Chapter 387, Laws of Malta) under the applicable Arbitration Rules of the Malta Arbitration Centre by one arbitrator appointed by agreement between the Parties.
Should no agreement be reached on who shall be appointed arbitrator within a period of fifteen (15) days from the date on which the dispute, controversy or claim arises, the arbitrator shall be appointed by the Malta Arbitration Centre.