Examples of Ship B in a sentence
Ship B, a 12,000 tonnes displacement passenger/car ferry, known as “NORA”, studied using systematic model experiments at DMI, MARINTEK and the Uni- versity of Strathclyde (ship geometry and mass data, service speed and other particulars are given in Vassalos, 1998).
Considering a collision scenario, as shown in Figure 1, where Ship B strikes Ship A, two co-ordinate systems may be assumed for each ship such as X-Y for striking ship and I-J for struck ship.Using simple trigonometric relations the collision forces in the respective axes on both the struck and striking ship may be computed.
Core Paths as an Economic Tourism Driver It was agreed that a further invite would be extended to David Adams McGilp from the Strategic Tourism Partnership to attend the June Community Planning Group.
The Lenders have agreed to make available to the Borrowers a secured term loan facility not exceeding $135,224,500 for the purposes of refinancing part of the Existing Indebtedness and acquiring Ship A, Ship B and Ship C.
Chairman of the Board and Interim Chief Executive Officer /s/ John G.