Examples of Significant Woodlands in a sentence
Significant Woodlands and Woodlands - to protect existing ecosystem features and functions, to increase the amount of interior forest habitat, and to retain or restore linkages between isolated natural areas.
Significant Woodlands are those forested areas which are designated Environmental Protection in a Primary corridor or Significant Natural Area, or any contiguous forested area that is 4 hectares, or greater in size.
The Environmental Protection 2 (EP2) Overlay shall apply to lands containing the following Provincially Significant Environmental Features which are identified in the County Official Plan: Significant Valleylands Significant Woodlands Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest for the Life Sciences Significant Wildlife Habitat.
Suggested Conservation Guidelines for the Identification of Significant Woodlands in Southern Ontario.
When and where the quality of available aggregate or the market changes significantly, new pits and quarries may be considered within Significant Woodlands close to an Urban Area.
Forestry and Planning staff may be consulted to assist in further refinement of Significant Woodlands when required.
Identification of all Significant Trees and Significant Woodlands proposed to be removed within the construction area.
The EIS does not provide an assessment of significant woodlands that meets the City of Ottawa requirements as they are outlined in the Council-approved Significant Woodlands: Guidelines for Identification, Evaluation and Impact Assessment.
The study identified Provincially Significant Wetlands, Significant Woodlands and Significant Wildlife habitat on or adjacent to the area to be licensed.
C.7.6 Region of York Woodland Securement Criteria The securement criteria described in the York Region Significant Woodlands Study (2005) are intended to set priorities for land purchase or other securement approaches.