Official Plan definition

Official Plan means the Official Plan adopted for the Township, as amended and approved;
Official Plan means the Official Plan of the City and any amendments thereto;
Official Plan means the Official Plan of the County of Oxford and any amendments thereto;

Examples of Official Plan in a sentence

  • REASONS FOR DECISION: It is the opinion of the Committee that this application is minor in nature, is suitable development for the enjoyment of the property, maintains the intent of Comprehensive Zoning By-law 87-87, as amended, and maintains the intent of the Official Plan.

  • The proposed development implements the City’s current Official Plan and the Growth Management Strategy as set in Vaughan Official Plan 2010.

  • At each sales office a copy of the approved lot grading plan and Oakville’s Official Plan will be prominently displayed together with a note indicating that further information can be obtained from the Oakville Engineering and Planning Departments respectively.

  • This application conforms with the requirements of Comprehensive Zoning By-law 87-87, as amended, the Township Official Plan and the District Municipality of Muskoka Official Plan.

  • The severed lands meet the minimum requirements of Township’s Official Plan which is appropriate in the rural setting.

More Definitions of Official Plan

Official Plan means a plan which is retained —
Official Plan means a comprehensive plan for the provision of adequate sewage systems adopted by a municipality or municipalities possessing authority or jurisdiction over the provision of such systems and submitted to and approved by the State Department of Environmental Resources as provided herein.
Official Plan means the in-force and effect policies of either the 1989 City of London Official Plan or the London Plan, as may be amended from time to time;
Official Plan means any flood area management plan
Official Plan means the Official Plan for the Town of Halton Hills, as amended from time to time;
Official Plan means an official plan prepared in accordance with part III of the Planning Act;
Official Plan means the Official Plan of the Corporation of the County of Brant and any amendments thereto;