Sixties Scoop definition
Examples of Sixties Scoop in a sentence
The course will also look at Indigenous children during the residential school era, the Sixties Scoop and the current status of children within the child welfare system.
As recommended by CPA, our training goals include awareness of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Report, the history and legacy of harm caused by colonialism, and the many sequelae of these oppressive forces (e.g., residential schools, the Sixties Scoop, intergenerational trauma, missing and murdered Indigenous women and children).
While some of the needs and causes of homelessness for the Indigenous homeless population overlap with those of the non-Indigenous population, many are distinct and arise from the impacts of colonialism, residential schooling, intergenerational trauma, the Sixties Scoop, and ongoing systemic racism and discrimination that permeates many institutions and service settings.
Academic research divides the history of First Nations child welfare in Canada into three stages: residential schools, the Sixties Scoop, and the contemporary period.1 Canada used the residential school system to assimilate First Nations people into western society and culture.
Retained earnings as of the beginning of 2009 has been increased by $467,489 for the effect of retrospective application of the new accounting method.
The Crown had already caused unimaginable harm and suffering to First Nations through Residential Schools and the Sixties Scoop, and knew, or should have known, that the Impugned Conduct would perpetuate and exacerbate those xxxxx to First Nations children and their families.
Some compared their experience to the cultural genocide of Indigenous children and the resulting intergenerational trauma caused by residential schools and the Sixties Scoop, in which Indigenous children were removed from their families and adopted by White families.
Said otherwise, the evidence clearly states that survivors of the Sixties Scoop will not be encumbered by the task of requesting their official records in order to establish the fact of permanent wardship or adoption (Affidavit of Dr. Raven Sinclair, at para 12(e), Exhibit “115” to the Affidavit of D.
Contingencies:The Society is involved in certain legal matters and litigation including Mother Risk and Sixties Scoop where the outcome is not presently determinable.
The Tribunal heard evidence of the intergenerational trauma caused by Residential Schools and the Sixties Scoop, the need for culturally appropriate services, and the concomitant need for “above normative” services for some Indigenous children.