Sixties Scoop definition

Sixties Scoop means the decades-long practice in Canada of taking Indigenous children, including First Nations, from their families and communities for placement in non- Indigenous foster homes or for adoption by non-Indigenous parents.
Sixties Scoop means the decades-long practice in Canada of taking Indigenous children, including First Nations, from their families and communities for placement in non-Indigenous xxxxxx homes or for adoption by non-Indigenous parents.

Examples of Sixties Scoop in a sentence

  • The course will also look at Indigenous children during the residential school era, the Sixties Scoop and the current status of children within the child welfare system.

  • As recommended by CPA, our training goals include awareness of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Report, the history and legacy of harm caused by colonialism, and the many sequelae of these oppressive forces (e.g., residential schools, the Sixties Scoop, intergenerational trauma, missing and murdered Indigenous women and children).

  • While some of the needs and causes of homelessness for the Indigenous homeless population overlap with those of the non-Indigenous population, many are distinct and arise from the impacts of colonialism, residential schooling, intergenerational trauma, the Sixties Scoop, and ongoing systemic racism and discrimination that permeates many institutions and service settings.

  • Academic research divides the history of First Nations child welfare in Canada into three stages: residential schools, the Sixties Scoop, and the contemporary period.1 Canada used the residential school system to assimilate First Nations people into western society and culture.

  • Retained earnings as of the beginning of 2009 has been increased by $467,489 for the effect of retrospective application of the new accounting method.

  • The Crown had already caused unimaginable harm and suffering to First Nations through Residential Schools and the Sixties Scoop, and knew, or should have known, that the Impugned Conduct would perpetuate and exacerbate those xxxxx to First Nations children and their families.

  • Some compared their experience to the cultural genocide of Indigenous children and the resulting intergenerational trauma caused by residential schools and the Sixties Scoop, in which Indigenous children were removed from their families and adopted by White families.

  • Said otherwise, the evidence clearly states that survivors of the Sixties Scoop will not be encumbered by the task of requesting their official records in order to establish the fact of permanent wardship or adoption (Affidavit of Dr. Raven Sinclair, at para 12(e), Exhibit “115” to the Affidavit of D.

  • Contingencies:The Society is involved in certain legal matters and litigation including Mother Risk and Sixties Scoop where the outcome is not presently determinable.

  • The Tribunal heard evidence of the intergenerational trauma caused by Residential Schools and the Sixties Scoop, the need for culturally appropriate services, and the concomitant need for “above normative” services for some Indigenous children.

Related to Sixties Scoop

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  • third-country national means any person who is not a citizen of the Union within the meaning of Article 17(1) of the Treaty;

  • Developed exclusively with government funds means development was not accomplished exclusively or partially at private expense.

  • Payroll Tax Executive Order means the Presidential Memorandum on Deferring Payroll Tax Obligations in Light of the Ongoing COVID-19 Disaster, as issued on August 8, 2020 and including any administrative or other guidance published with respect thereto by any Governmental Authority (including IRS Notice 2020-65).

  • South Caucasus/Central and South Asian (SC/CASA) state means Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.

  • Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons list maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the United States Department of the Treasury found at: xxxxx://;

  • Cooperating country national (“CCN”) means an individual who is a cooperating country citizen or a non-cooperating country citizen lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the cooperating country.

  • Elder abuse (OAA) means abuse, neglect, or exploitation of an older individual (elder) including the willful:

  • Severe forms of trafficking in persons means— (1) Sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age; or

  • National Road Traffic Act means the National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act 93 of 1996);

  • MEC for local government means the member of the Executive Council of a province who is responsible for local government in that province;

  • Public employees retirement system means the retirement plan and program

  • Automatic Investment Plan means a program in which regular periodic purchases (or withdrawals) are made automatically in (or from) investment accounts in accordance with a predetermined schedule and allocation. An Automatic Investment Plan includes a dividend reinvestment plan.

  • IntraLATA Toll Traffic means the IntraLATA traffic, regardless of the transport protocol method, between two locations within one LATA where one of the locations lies outside of the mandatory local calling area as defined by the Commission.

  • Clearance System Business Day means, with respect to the Clearance System, any day (other than a Saturday or Sunday) on which the Clearance System is open for the acceptance and execution of settlement instructions.

  • Regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation means the regulations in 49 CFR Parts 100-189.

  • Broad-Based Black Economic Empower-ment Act means the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003);

  • National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) means the national program for issuing, modifying, revoking and reissuing, terminating, monitoring, and enforcing permits and imposing and enforcing pretreatment requirements, under Sections 307, 318, 402, and 405 of CWA. The term includes an approved program.

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  • exclusive economic zone ’ means the zone established by Presidential Proclamation Numbered 5030, dated March 10, 1983, including the ocean waters of the areas referred to as ‘‘eastern special areas’’ in Article 3(1) of the Agreement between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Re- publics on the Maritime Boundary, signed June 1, 1990;

  • AML/KYC Procedures means the customer due diligence (CDD) procedures of a Reporting Financial Institution pursuant to the anti-money laundering or similar requirements of the jurisdiction concerned to which such Reporting Financial Institution is subject.

  • Nominal tomographic section thickness means the full width at half-maximum of the sensitivity profile taken at the center of the cross-sectional volume over which x-ray transmission data are collected.

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