Small agency definition
Examples of Small agency in a sentence
See Section III on page 15 for a detailed discussion of media considerations.4Officer-Involved ShootingsA Guide for Law Enforcement Leaders Small agency optionsThe International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office), are sensitive to the needs of small agencies and those working with budget constraints.
To ensure that all of the State’s unique needs are met, members represent a cross-section of agencies spanning State government, including: • Small agency (under 500 employees)• Medium agency (500-2,000 employees)• Large agency (over 2,000 employees) Representatives serving on the BCSC are required to possess the overall COOP, disaster recovery, public safety, and/or emergency response knowledge, relative to their agency.
Small agency overheads are double that of a large agency and access to financial, legal, marketing, information technology and human resource expertise is limited and far more expensive due to its limited buying power.
Changes to pricing structures and rates are proposed for two broad groups: (1) wholesale Standard Service, which consists of residential and small commercial and industrial customers served by LPCs; and (2) large commercial and manufacturing customers with power demands over 5,000 kW, which include customers served by LPCs under Non-Standard Service provisions and customers directly served by TVA.
Small agency and Native American tribe point(s) of contact authorized to obligate funds must attend training and receive a DPA from GSA before awarding TOs on the EIS contracts.