Examples of Small modular reactor in a sentence
Section 50.2 Definitions In § 50.2, this final rule adds the definitions for Non-light-water reactor, Non-power production or utilization facility, and Small modular reactor.
Small modular reactor proposals often involve building multiple reactors at a site to try to lower costs by taking advantage of common infrastructure elements.
Small modular reactor and non-LWR applicants for an OL, COL, CP, or ESP and NPUF applicants for a CP or OL must submit the analysis used to establish their proposed plume exposure pathway EPZ size.
In practice, a fixed number J of parameters is selected a priori and then cyclically repeated until convergence.
Small modular reactor core designs are currently being developed to provide energy more effectively and efficiently than in the past because they can be built as modules at fabrication sites and then transported to a power-producing facility.
Small modular reactor advocates propose that the energy not utilized to produce electricity is used for other purposes, such as desalination [97]–[99], or co-generating hydro- gen [91], [100].
In § 170.3, revise the definition for ‘‘Small modular reactor (SMR)’’ to read as follows.§ 170.3 Definitions.* * * * *Small modular reactor (SMR) for the purposes of calculating fees, means the class of power reactors having a licensed thermal power rating less than or equal to 1,000 MWt per module.
Small modular reactor manufacturers are looking for limited liability protection on what they claim is safe technology.
Small modular reactor technology is one of those options (refer to Section 10.4, Small Modular Reactors for more details).
Small modular reactor: first-of-a-kind (FOAK) and nth-of-a-kind (NOAK) economic analysis.