Examples of Social media website in a sentence
Social media, website and signage on buses continued to be the main channels to communicate to customers.
Social media, website, Ticket Star, print/TV/radio ads, and a new brochure currently in production.
The knowledge gained within the PEACOX project can be used within further research or commercial projects.Furthermore, the integrated client, including all the components from other partner, can be used in a commercial sense, for example a public transport operator is interested in the overall solution.The PEACOX integrated client will be promoted on all channels, including Social media, website and leaflet.
Social media, website, and Point of Sale (POS) systems are mentioned to be the top 3 most used digital technologies among the surveyed firms in which more than 95% of firms indicated that they are using such technologies in their operations.
They were aware of the situation and had concluded that such exposure would be beneficial for their students.