Examples of Social program in a sentence
However, the shift for lottery winners is noticeably smaller.The downward shift in the food Engel curves over time is surprising, although it has been observed elsewhere—see Deaton and Dreze (2007) for a long time-series in India, and Maluccio and Flores (2004) in their analysis of the effect of the Red de Protección Social program in Nicaragua.
Also in this case the beneficiaries’ access to remedial programs has been considered.In Argentina, the Familias por la Inclusión Social program of the Ministry of Social Development is a program of conditional cash transfers to vulnerable and at social risk families with children or disability.
We also acknowledge members of the Red de Protección Social program team (in particular, Leslie Castro, Carold Herrera, and Mireille Vijil) for discussions regarding this research and Emma Sanchez Monin for facilitating the data collection process.
The activities envisaged by the Subcomponent 1.4 will use existing delivery systems while ensuring the expansion of the Ajutor Social program coverage and increased benefit size.
Changes to the Ajutor Social program were adopted by the parliament on April 23, 2020 and the respective law will come into effect as soon as it is published.
Additional eventsSocial ProgramThe Social program is a good opportunity to socialize.
Team’s findingsThe home meets this expected outcome Social program planning and care assessments identify residents’ physical capacity and particular choices for maintaining their independence.
Social program reimbursements The Corporation provides a number of non-commercial social programs at the direction of the NSW Government.
Similar approaches are being used to promote the development of economic clusters in urban areas (Arranjos Produtivos Locais) as well as to improve employment opportunities and the coordination of service delivery in a demand-driven approach in high poverty areas of large metropolitan regions (e.g. in Rio de Janeiro‘s favelas through the UPP Social program).
In collaboration with PEI, the World Bank team supported the design and implementation of the Cohesión Social program through knowledge exchanges, initial diagnoses, and data collection support, which helped the program scale up to reach around 3,000 beneficiaries within the Indigenous territories.