Examples of Uniformity coefficient in a sentence
Particle size distribution, mechanical sieve analysis as per IS code particle size distribution curve, effective diameter of soil, Uniformity coefficient and coefficient of curvature, well graded and uniformly graded soils.
The Particle size distribution curve, which is essential for determination of D10, Uniformity coefficient and Coefficient of curvature are not appended with the report.
Uniformity coefficient is approximately 74% which is less compared tosprinkler system.
Where Appendix 6/1 gives limits for other properties not listed in this Table such limits shall also apply.4. (05/04) Where BS 1377 : Part 2 is specified for mc, this shall mean BS 1377 : Part 2 or BS EN 1097-5 as appropriate.5. Uniformity coefficient is defined as the ratio of the particle diameters D60 to D10 on the particle-size distribution curve, where:D60 = particle diameter at which 60% of the soil by weight is finer D10 = particle diameter at which 10% of the soil by weight is finer6.
Uniformity coefficient: <1.6 Effective Size: 0.8-1.1 mm, Particle size > 8 mesh (2.36 mm) max.: 5 mass-% Particle size <30 mesh (0.60 mm) max.: 4 mass-%CTC adsorption min.:50% 2.
Uniformity coefficient of 2.36 and curvature coefficient of2.88 classifies the soil as poorly graded sand.
Uniformity coefficient: Ratio of the D60 size to D10 size of the material (low coefficient indicates uniform material).
The uniformity coefficient (Cu) percent was calculated using the Christiansen’s formula (1942);Where,Cu - Uniformity coefficient, per centm - Average value of all observations, mm n - Number of observationsx - Numerical deviation of individual observations from the average application rate.
Uniformity coefficient (UC ) as well as distribution uniformity ( DU ) as related to coefficient of variation ( CV ) affected when slope and inflow rate change and achieved acceptable value for all treatments.
Depth [m] Sediment type Percentage of fraction contribution [mm] U=d /d [–] CaCO [%] from to >0.2 1–2 0.5–1 0.25–0.5 0.15–0.25 0.05–0.15 <0.05 60 10 30.00.5U – Uniformity coefficient the diagrams, the boundary between the naturally loose and naturally compacted sediments is also in- dicated (marked by a solid line in Fig.