Examples of Solvency II in a sentence
The purpose of this uplift, which is a Lloyd’s not a Solvency II requirement, is to meet Lloyd’s financial strength, licence and ratings objectives.
The syndicate must also calculate its SCR at the same confidence level but reflecting uncertainty over a one year time horizon (one year SCR) for Lloyd’s to use in meeting Solvency II requirements.
Within this supervisory framework, Lloyd’s applies capital requirements at member level and centrally to ensure that Lloyd’s complies with Solvency II, and beyond that to meet its own financial strength, licence and ratings objectives.
The Syndicate must also calculate its SCR at the same confidence level but reflecting uncertainty over a one year time horizon (one year SCR) for Lloyd’s to use in meeting Solvency II requirements.
Data processing costsThe fund may be charged with the costs for the processing and quality assurance of data of the subfunds held by the fund (third-party funds of other management companies), which are necessary to fulfil the legal requirements of Solvency II reporting for invested insurance companies (so-called Tripartite Template / TPT) while protecting the interests of all unitholders.