Examples of South African National Standard in a sentence
In addition, the Safety at Sport and Recreational Events Act (Act 2 of 2010), South African National Standard (SANS 10366), Emergency Medical Services Regulations and the Regulations Relating to Emergency Care at Mass Gathering Events are also required to be implemented during all events.The Protocols documented in this Code are aimed at Medical Personnel who are involved in providing medical services at motorsport events.
In accordance with South African National Standard 10328:2008 Edition 3, Methods for environmental noise impact assessments, an assessment has been made at the nearest noise-sensitive receptors to the site in accordance with the guidance contained in South African National Standard 10103:2008 Edition 6 The measurement and rating of environmental noise with respect to annoyance and to speech communication.
To meet the requirements of 12L, government has provided a structure to implement 12L with technical support in the form of a national standard for Measurement and Verification (M & V), which is the South African National Standard (SANS) 50 010, and assurance through the accreditation of energy efficiency M&V Bodies by the South African National Accreditation System (SANAS), and final review and evaluation through SANEDI.
This proof can be in the form of markings on the materials and products or certificates from the supplier verifying that the materials adhere to the relevant South African National Standard (SANS) codes.
In 2004 the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) initiated the project to develop a South African National Standard (SANS) for ‘a standard framework for South African addresses’.
Supplementing Eskom power with renewable energy sources is mandatory not only on Seaton, but throughout the whole of South Africa through the introduction of the South African National Standard (SANS) 10400-XA and the SANS 204 Regulations, which regulate energy use and encourage energy efficiency in buildings.
The Contractor will ensure that all work is carried out in accordance with: The Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993. The Compensation for occupational injury and Disease Act 135 of 1993 The South African National Standard for the wiring of premises.
South African National Standard SANS 1518: 2020 Edition 4.2 - “Transport of dangerous goods — Design, construction, testing, approval and maintenance of road vehicles and portable tanks”.
South African National Standard, Ambient Air Quality– Limits for Common Pollutants.
Prior to September 2002, functional performance and structural testing of SCSRs were conducted according to the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) Private Specification 839 (CKM) and thereafter in accordance with the South African National Standard (SANS) 1737 Specification.