Examples of Spear fishing in a sentence
Patrons over the age of eighteen (18) may have a maximum of four (4) guests with them.2. Spear fishing or the use of Spear Guns, Bow & Arrows, and Firearms are not permitted.3. Cast Netting is prohibited.4. Removal of hooks and lures from fish should be performed in a manner that gives the fish the best chance of survival.
Spear fishing relies on fire baskets known as pitch lamps that are suspended from the side of a boat containing a boat operator and two spearmen (Figure 3.1).
Spear fishing or the use of Spear Guns, Bow & Arrows, and Firearms are not permitted as acceptable methods to fish.
International Jury A unique member constitutes it, the CMAS International Judge, appointed by CMAS and elected by the Spear fishing Commission.The Jury aim is to examine the complaints and take a decision.International Jury decisions cannot be appealed except that new piece information comes up.
Specifically, I will argue that modal verbs are restructuring verbs that instantiate a monoclausal structure.
Some informants suggested that spear fishing has since been banned everywhere and at all time.• Nukufetau: Spear fishing has supposedly been forbidden, but observance of such laws is not very good on this island.• Nanumea: The Council of chiefs has banned the use of spears within the reef.
Spear fishing is a very popular fishing technique in Kubulau, responsible for about 50 percent of the fish caught in the eleven communities adjacent to the Kubulau traditional fishing area.
Spear fishing or the use of spear guns, bows & arrows, and firearms is always prohibited.
Spear fishing targets reef fish while the 19 registered bottom fishing vessels in Tonga target deep water snappers, groupers, trevallies, jacks and jobfish.
Spear fishing in the Balearic Islands (west central Mediterranean): species affected and catch evolution during the period 1975–2001.