Split-Off means any exchange offer by the Issuer for its own shares in which the consideration to be delivered to exchanging holders of such shares is capital stock or other securities of another issuer owned (directly or indirectly) by the Issuer.
Split shift means a work schedule, which is interrupted by non-paid non-working periods established by the employer, other than bona fide rest or meal periods.
Accrued Day(s) Off means the paid day(s) off accruing to an employee resulting from an entitlement to the 38 hour week as prescribed in Clause 6. - Hours of this award.
School Days means days when school is in session for students.
Bereavement Pay Benefits means the benefits as set out in Article II hereof.
Contingent Beneficiary is the person that becomes the Beneficiary if the named Beneficiary dies prior to the Income Date.
Premium payment plan means a benefit plan whereby school em- ployees may pay their share of group health plan premiums with pretax dollars as provided in the salary reduction plan under chapter 41.05 RCW pursuant to 26 U.S.C. Sec. 125 or other sections of the Internal Revenue Code.
land reform beneficiary , in relation to a property, means a person who -
additional spouse means a spouse by the party to the marriage who is additional to the party to the marriage;
Refund beneficiary means an individual nominated by a qualified participant or a former qualified participant under section 66 to receive a distribution of the participant's accumulated balance in the manner prescribed in section 67.
Distribution Election Form means the form established from time to time by the Plan Administrator that the Director completes, signs and returns to the Plan Administrator to designate the time and form of distribution.
Net death benefit means the amount of the life insurance policy or certificate to be settled less any outstanding debts or liens.
Separation Date has the meaning set forth in the Separation Agreement.
Payment Plan means the schedule of payment prescribed in Schedule C;
Working Days means any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in England and Wales; and
Weeks Pay' means the ordinary time rate of pay for the employee concerned:
parental bereavement leave means leave under section 80EA of the Employment Rights Act 1996;
Policy Year means the period of time these Terms and Benefits are in force. The first Policy Year shall be the period from the Policy Effective Date to the day immediately preceding the first Renewal Date as specified in the Policy Schedule (both days inclusive) within one (1) year period; and each subsequent Policy Year shall be the one (1) year period from each Renewal Date.
Plan Period means the period designated in Section 4.
Election Form means the form established from time to time by the Committee that a Participant completes, signs and returns to the Committee to make an election under the Plan.
Income beneficiary means a person to whom net income of a trust is or may be payable.
war widow s pension” means any pension or allowance payable to a woman as a widow under an instrument specified in section 639(2) of the Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003 in respect of the death or disablement of any person;
Work Days means judicial days (or a day when the court is open).
Premium Payment Date in respect of any Option, means the date on which the Premium is due and payable, as agreed to at the time the Option is entered into, as evidenced in a Confirmation.
Days means calendar days unless otherwise specified.
Death Benefit means the insurance amount payable under the Certificate at death of the Insured, subject to all Certificate provisions dealing with changes in the amount of insurance and reductions or termination for age or retirement. It does not include any amount that is only payable in the event of Accidental Death.