Standard benefit plan definition
Examples of Standard benefit plan in a sentence
Different benefit plans in this managed care program include: o Standard Plan: The BadgerCare Plus Standard benefit plan is available to children, parents and caretaker relatives, young adults aging out of foster care, and pregnant women with incomes that meet specific thresholds.
An actuarial exhibit estimating the rate impact of changes to current copay and coinsurance levels; out-of-pocket maximum limits and lifetime maximum limits was used in the Full Committee's final deliberations of the recommended Standard benefit plan contained in this report.
The recipients were randomly selected from those who submitted their names earlier this year to request coverage under the Oregon Health Plan's Standard benefit plan.
However, every small employer carrier must offer to eligible small employers the Standard benefit plan and the Basic benefit plan, as required by subsection (5), as such plans have been approved by the department pursuant to subsection (12)." Many of the carrier representatives indicated that their companies are planning to incorporate these features in future products.
Current Waiver – Childless Adult Population Defined as non-pregnant adults without dependent children ages 19 to 64. Household income limit up to 100 percent federal poverty level (FPL). Standard benefit plan coverage. Enrollment is not capped and is currently approximately 148,000.
In keeping with its established objectives to: 1) modify the Standard benefit plan to more closely emulate the more popular "street" plans presently offered in the market, and 2) modify the Basic plan to provide an affordable alternative that provides at a minimum catastrophic protection, the Committee recommends the revised benefit designs outlined on the tables at the end of this section.