State median income definition

State median income means the most recent median income for California families as determined by the State Department of Finance.
State median income means the state median income calculated by the department of development pursuant to division (A)(1)(g) of section 5709.61 of the Revised Code.
State median income means the most recent total median family income for California issued by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”). For the purposes of assigning point scores and establishing income limits for Assisted Units, State Median Income percentages will be expressed as a percentage of Area Median Income rounded up to the next highest five percent increment as calculated annually by the Department.

Examples of State median income in a sentence

  • Unmet requirement - Identify the requirement(s) to be implemented A graduated phase-out of assistance for families whose income has increased at the time of re- determination, but remains below the federal threshold of 85% of State median income.

  • The CCDBG Act of 2014 added a provision that requires States and Territories to provide for a graduated phase-out of assistance for families whose income has increased at the time of re- determination, but remains below the federal threshold of 85% of State median income.

  • Grantees may provide assistance to: (a) households in which one or more individuals are receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Food Stamps, or certain needs-tested veterans benefits; or (b) households with incomes which do not exceed the greater of 150 percent of the State’s established poverty level, or 60 percent of the State median income.

  • Affordable housing is defined as projects in which at least 25% of the units are, or are expected to be, occupied by households earning not more than 80% of the area or State median income, whichever is higher.

  • Federal law does currently limit the maximum level for eligibility to be 85 per cent of the State median income and requires States to give priority to very low income families.

More Definitions of State median income

State median income means the most recent median income for California families as determined by the State Department of Finance (DOF). EC 8263.1 and 5 CCR 18078 (r)
State median income means an annual income figure representing the point at which there are as many families earning more than that amount as there are earning less than that amount. The Census Bureau publishes median family income figures for each state each year, de- pending on family size.
State median income means the most recent total median family income for California issued by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”).
State median income means the state median income standards which are promulgated by the United States Department of Health and Human Services;
State median income or “SMI” means the average income for each state reported yearly by the U.S.
State median income or "SMI" means the estimated median income of households in the state.
State median income means the state median income 56347