Service address means the service address of a member or the body corporate in terms of rule 4; and
IP Address means a unique number on the Internet of a network card or controller that identifies a device and is visible by all other devices on the Internet.
supply address means the premises to which gas was, is or may be supplied under a contract.
Residential address means the physical location where the student’s parents, legal guardians, persons having legal, lawful control of the student under order of a court, or persons standing in loco parentis reside. A student may use the residential address of a legal guardian, person having legal, lawful control of the student under order of a court, or person standing in loco parentis only if the student resides at the same residential address and if the guardianship or other legal authority is not granted solely for educational needs or school attendance purposes.
Email Address means a current valid email address.
Billing address means the location indicated in the books and records of the taxpayer as the primary mailing address relating to a customer’s account as of the time of the transaction as kept in good faith in the normal course of business and not for tax avoidance purposes.
Proof of address/business address means a document less than 3 months old containing residential address that is a utility bill, bank statement, rates account or tax invoice.
Delivery Address means the address stated on the Order.
Business address means a single address of a governmental agency designated for the public to contact an employee or officer of the governmental agency.
home address , in relation to a person, means—
Mailing Address City: State: Zip: Email Address: Is this your first GSA Sale?: Yes No _ (mark appropriate one) Telemarketing Phone Call (Auction House) GSA Fleet E-Mail Auction House Social Media GSA Auctions Website ( Auction House Email Blast Newspaper Ad GSA Fleet Website ( Friend/ Relative Other (please specify)
Notice Address means with respect to the following entities:
Last known address means the address the Tax Administrator has at the time a document is originally sent by certified mail, or any address the Tax Administrator can ascertain using reasonable means such as the use of a change of address service offered by the postal service or an authorized delivery service under Section5703.056 of the ORC.
Notification Email Address means the email address (if any) designated by Customer, via the user interface of the Processor Services or such other means provided by Google, to receive certain notifications from Google relating to these Data Processing Terms.
Address of use means the building or buildings that are identified on the license and where radioactive material may be received, used or stored.
Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) means telephone service for the transmission of human speech.
Email address of record means the designated email
Sevicer Loan Address Zip Code: Rem Term: Occp Code: Appr Value: Note Date: Ceiling Lien City: Purpose: Prod Code: Curr CLTV: Prin Maturity Cr. Cr. 2744254 VA 300 14 $226,000.00 08/04/1999 0.50 45 151990000744254 0000 00xx Xxxxxx Xxxxx 00 000 0 $335,000.00 02/04/1999 18.00 2 Arlington 22207 2 10 79 $0.00 02/04/2024 $38,000 737 2756201 NM 300 14 $68,200.00 05/11/1999 1.00 48 135990000756201 0000 Xxxx Xxxxx NorthEast 01 282 1 $200,000.00 02/11/1999 18.00 2 Albuqurque 87110 2 10.5 60 $10,900.59 02/11/2024 $50,000 786 2754731 CA 300 04 $141,500.00 08/12/1999 0.75 43 106990000754731 0000 Xxxxxxxx Xxx Xxxx/Xxx 00 282 1 $210,000.00 02/12/1999 18.00 2 Carpenteria 93013 2 10.25 80 $3,384.71 02/12/2024 $26,000 767 3360686 CA 300 15 $138,815.65 05/17/1999 1.75 42 106990000360686 11654 11658 Xxxxxx Xx 00 000 0 $175,000.00 02/17/1999 18.00 0 Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx 00000 2 11.25 90 $10,164.10 02/17/2024 $17,500 804 2753690 FL 300 14 $64,189.00 08/18/1999 3.25 28 112990000753690 00000 XxxxxXxxx 000xx 02 282 1 $108,000.00 02/18/1999 18.00 2 Xxxxx 00000 2 12.75 90 $24,826.90 02/18/2024 $33,000 648 2749661 UT 180 14 $72,000.00 08/24/1999 2.25 27 149990000749661 000 Xxxx 000 Xxxxx 02 162 1 $120,000.00 02/18/1999 18.00 2 Smithfield 84335 1 11.75 90 $22,897.48 02/18/2014 $36,000 682 2768165 WA 180 14 $200,000.00 3.00 36 000000000000000 00000 00xx Xxxxxx XX 02 162 1 $250,000.00 02/19/1999 25.00 2 Burien 98166 3 12.5 100 $10,000.00 02/19/2014 $50,000 775 2760567 MA 300 14 $324,000.00 05/25/1999 1.38 44 125990000760567 000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx 01 282 1 $405,000.00 02/25/1999 18.00 2 Winchester 01890 2 10.88 90 $15,924.94 02/25/2024 $40,500 746 2762967 CA 180 14 $550,000.00 09/02/1999 1.00 45 106990000762967 000 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx 01 163 1 $850,000.00 03/02/1999 24.00 2 Piedmont 94611 3 10.5 71 $17,300.00 03/02/2014 $50,000 719 2770339 CA 300 14 $265,600.00 06/08/1999 1.50 28 106990000770339 0000 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx 01 283 1 $340,000.00 03/08/1999 18.00 2 Pleasanton 94588 2 11 87 $3,299.76 03/08/2024 $30,000 796 2776667 HI 300 14 $142,000.00 06/17/1999 1.25 48 115990000776667 1245 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx 00 000 0 $240,000.00 03/17/1999 18.00 2 Kailua 96734 2 10.75 80 $10,495.41 03/17/2024 $50,000 743 2788920 CA 180 09 $0.00 10/08/1999 0.50 31 106990000788920 29525 XXX XXXXX XXXXX 00 000 0 $250,000.00 04/01/1999 18.00 1 COARSEGOLD 93614 1 10 60 $16,996.53 04/01/2014 $150,000 746
Business location means a location where the firm carries out an activity that requires registration, and includes a residence if regular and ongoing activity that requires registration is carried out from the residence or if records relating to an activity that requires registration are kept at the residence;
Reception center means a business that:
Anchor location means the physical location from which:
Co-location means the use of an existing tower or structure to support antennae for the provision of wireless services. A replacement tower that is constructed on the same site as an existing tower will be considered a co-location as long as the new tower is no taller than the old tower and that the old tower is removed in a reasonable short time frame after the new tower is constructed.
Master Street Address Guide or "MSAG" is a database of street names and house number ranges within their associated communities defining particular geographic areas and their associated ESNs to enable proper routing of 911 calls. "Meet Point" is a point of Interconnection between two (2) networks, designated by two (2) Telecommunications Carriers, at which one Carrier's responsibility for service begins and the other Carrier's responsibility ends.
Notification center means an organization whose membership is open to all operators of
Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) means the codes that provide a unique eleven (11) character representation of a network interconnection point. The first eight (8) characters identify the city, state and building location, while the last three (3) characters identify the network component.
Data Centre or "DC" means the primary centre where data, software, computer systems and associated components, such as telecommunication and storage systems, redundant or backup power supplies, redundant data communications, environment controls and security devices are housed and operated from;