Stationary vessel definition

Stationary vessel means any tank, reservoir, or container used for the storage of petroleum liquids, but does not include the following:
Stationary vessel means any tank, reservoir, or container used for the storage of any volatile organic compound which is not used to transport such volatile organic compound and in which no manufacturing process or part thereof takes place.
Stationary vessel means STORAGE VESSEL: Aany tank, reservoir, or container used for the storage of petroleum liquids, but does not include the following:

Related to Stationary vessel

  • Passenger vessel means any boat, ship, vessel, barge, or other floating craft of any kind carrying passengers for compensation.

  • Delivery vessel means tank trucks or trailers equipped with a storage tank and used for the transport of gasoline from sources of supply to stationary tanks of gasoline dispensing facilities.

  • ro-ro passenger ship means a passenger ship with ro-ro spaces or special category spaces as defined in regulation II-2/3.

  • Coastal vessel means any vessel exclusively employed in trading between any port or place in India to any other port or place in India having a valid coastal license issued by the competent authority.

  • Vessel means the vessel/craft belonging to the Contractor for carrying out the work.

  • fishing vessel means a vessel used for catching fish, whales, seals, walrus or other living resources of the sea;