Examples of Storing State in a sentence
For water from the Storing State’s apportionment to qual- ify as unused apportionment available for storage under this part, the water must first be offered to all entitlement holders within the Storing State for purposes other than interstate trans- actions under proposed Storage and Interstate Release Agreements.
If the water to be stored will be unused apportionment of the Consuming State, the agreement must acknowledge that any unused ap- portionment of the Consuming State may be made available from the Con- suming State by the Secretary to the Storing State only in accordance with Article II(B)(6) of the Decree.
As to a Storing State, for purposes of this rule, an authorized entity is defined as anentity in the Storing State that isexpressly authorized by the laws of that state to enter into Storage and Interstate Release Agreements and to developICUA.
This rule, in § 414.3(a)(2), explains that the water stored within a Storing State for future use under a Storage and Interstate ReleaseAgreement is water that wouldotherwise be unused in the Storing State, but that is within the Storing State’s basic or surplus apportionment.
As to a Storing State, for purposes of this rule, an authorized entity is defin ed as an entity in the Storing State that isexpressly authorized by the laws of that state to enter into Storage and In terstate Release Agreem ents and to develop ICUA.
Thebalances will be reduced when intentionally created unusedapportionment is developed by theauthorized entity in a Storing State and made available for use in a Consuming State.
We also clarified inthis section that unused apportionment of the Consuming State may be made available for storage in the Storing State only in accordance with Article II(B)(6) of the Decree.
This rule, in § 414.3(a)(2),explains that the water stored within a Storing State for fu ture use under a Storage and In terstate ReleaseAgreem ent is water that wouldotherwise be unused in the Storing State, but that is within the StoringState’s basic or surplus apportionment.
Subjects who experience moderate or severe symptoms after receiving a 6 mg dose on Day 2 will return on Day 3 to receive the next lower dose (3 mg) under direct observation.
Allcontractors or Federal entitlement holders, in diverting, using, andreturning Colorado River water, mustcomply with all relevant water pollution laws and regulations of the United States, the Storing State, and theConsuming State, and must obtain all applicable permits or licenses from the appropriate Federal, State, or localauthorities regarding water quality and water pollution matters.