Study Deposit definition
Examples of Study Deposit in a sentence
Under all circumstances, an Interconnection Customer that withdraws or is deemed to have withdrawn its Interconnection Request during an Interconnection Study Cycle is obligated to pay to the CAISO all costs in excess of the Interconnection Study Deposit that have been prudently incurred or irrevocably have been committed to be incurred with respect to that Interconnection Request prior to withdrawal.
If the Interconnection Customer does not withdraw, or is not deemed withdrawn, and proceeds to sign a GIA, then there is no forfeiture of an unused study deposit balance: Following Interconnection Customer, CAISO, and Participating TO execution of the GIA (or, if an unexecuted GIA was filed with FERC, on after FERC issues an order accepting the GIA), the CAISO refunds the unused balance of the Interconnection Study Deposit to the Interconnection Customer.
CI report: Less than two-thirds (63%) of sites provide an immediate, precise indication that an order was accepted.
Whenever the actual cost of performing the Interconnection Studies exceeds the Interconnection Study Deposit, the Interconnection Customer shall pay the undisputed difference in accordance with the CAISO issued invoice within thirty (30) calendar days.
The CAISO shall draw from the Interconnection Study Deposit any undisputed costs within thirty (30) calendar days of issuance of an invoice.
The Interconnection Study Deposit shall be applied to pay for prudent costs incurred by the CAISO, the Participating TOs, or third parties at the direction of the CAISO or Participating TOs, as applicable, to perform and administer the Interconnection Studies.
The required cash Study Deposit for the Phase I System Impact Study, as described in Tariff, Part VIII, Subpart B, section 5(a), is due prior to the Application Deadline.
At the conclusion of Transmission Provider’s deficiency review for Decision Point II, refund to the Project Developer or Eligible Customer up to 90 percent of its Study Deposit submitted with its New Service Request during the Application Phase, less any actual costs.
The Study Deposit is non-binding, and actual study costs may exceed the Study Deposit.
Application of “forfeited funds”: All non-refundable portions of the Interconnection Study Deposit that exceed the costs the CAISO, Participating TOs, or third parties have incurred on the Interconnection Customer’s behalf are distributed in the same manner as the CAISO distributes collected penalties (under CAISO Tariff Section 37.9.4).