Examples of Sustainability in a sentence
Added a General Sustainability Performance Assessment section that codifies participation by all undergraduate campuses in the AASHE STARS rating system and achieving a gold rating by 2023.
Replaced the 2020 goal in the Sustainable Food Services section, which has already been met, with a new 2030 goal that aligns with the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education’s (AASHE) Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS) and Practice Greenhealth’s requirements.
Annually, the UC Health Sustainability Working Group will report to the University of California Health Center Chief Operating Officer Group and the University of California Sustainability Steering Committee.
The UC Sustainability Steering Committee, which is chaired by the Executive Vice President - Chief Financial Officer, provides oversight for all aspects of the Policy.
The UC Health Sustainability Working Group, with input from relevant working groups for each subject area, will develop normalized data reporting protocols to track the implementation of sustainability programs at health locations.