Examples of Synthetic minor in a sentence
Synthetic minor source" means a stationary source that would be classified as a major source in the absence of restrictions on the potential to emit of the source.
Synthetic minor emission limits, process throughput restrictions, and control efficiency requirements are found in the permit based on which equipment is covered by the particular limit.
Synthetic minor limits may also be taken to avoid requirements of the title V operating permit program.
Synthetic minor limits, including limits on utilization, are available for EGUs in the same way as they are for any other stationary source.
In addition, the following sections specify operations to which subpart KK does not apply, or, as noted, has limited applicability: • Synthetic minor facilities, [see 40 CFR § 63.820(a)(2) - (a)(7)],• Research or lab equipment, [see 40 CFR § 63.820(b)],• PR and WWF proof presses, [see 40 CFR § 63.821(a)(2)(i)],• “Ancillary” printing, [see 40 CFR § 63.821(a)(2)(ii)] (limited applicability), and• “Incidental” printing, [see 40 CFR § 63.821(b)] (limited applicability).