Examples of Table A in a sentence
Code 742 Appendix B Table A, the excavated soil can be utilized within the right-of-way as embankment or fill, when suitable, or managed and disposed of off-site according to Article 202.03.
When the soil analytical results indicate that detected levels exceed the most stringent MAC but do not exceed TACO Tier 1 Soil Remediation Objectives for Residential Properties pursuant to 35 IAC 742 Appendix B Table A, the excavated soil can be utilized within the right-of-way or managed and disposed off-site as “uncontaminated soil” according to Article 202.03.
Unless expressly provided otherwise, Table A is applicable to this contract.
The cost estimate for the proposed project provided in Schedule 9, Table A and the project completion forecast provided in Schedule 10 appear to be reasonable.
The regulations contained in Table A in the First Schedule to the Companies Law shall not apply to the Company.