Table E definition

Table E academic outcomes at receiving institution Component code (if any) Component title (as indicated in the course catalogue) at the receiving institution Was the component successfully completed by the student? [Yes/No] Number of ECTS credits Receiving institution grade Total: [Signature of responsible person in receiving institution and date]
Table E academic outcomes at receiving institution Table F: recognition outcomes at the sending institution TABLE E (HOST) TABLE F (HOME) Component code Component title Successfully completed by the student [Yes/No] ECTS Receiving institution grade Component code Component title ECTS Sending institution grade (if applicable) Total: Total: The sending institution Responsible person - Chairman Studies Commission signature: Head of Department: Date: The receiving institution Responsible person’s signature: Date: studies HINWEISE VOR ANTRITT des Erasmus-Auslandsaufenthaltes (Section A des Learning Agreements) Das für Anerkennungsfragen zuständige Organ bestätigt vor Beginn des Auslandsstudiums mit seiner/ihrer Unterschrift die Gleichwertigkeit der Studienleistungen. Dient der Erasmus+-Auslandsaufenthalt ausschließlich der Abfassung einer Diplomarbeit oder Dissertation oder Abschlussarbeit zum Bachelor oder Master, so ist dies von der Betreuerin / vom Betreuer der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit zu bestätigen. Das Learning Agreement (Section A) muss xxx xxxxx Parteien (Studierende/r, entsendende sowie empfangende Hochschule) unterzeichnet werden. Das Original dieses Formulars verbleibt während des Erasmus-Aufenthaltes bei der/dem Studierenden, je eine Kopie erhält die entsendende und die empfangende Hochschule. Grundsätzlich sind Studienleistungen im Ausmaß von 30 ECTS Credits ( empf ohlener Ric htwert) pro Semester zu erbringen. Die detaillierten Bedingungen (z.B. Rückforderungsgrenze für den Mobilitätszuschuss) sind Bestandteil der Vereinbarung zwischen Studierenden und der OeAD GmbH bzw. sind in den nationalen Richtlinien für die Erasmus-Mobilität enthalten. NACH BEGINN des Erasmus-Auslandsaufenthaltes (Section B des Learning Agreements) Allfällige Änderungen des Studienprogramms werden in Tabelle C eingetragen (Fristen siehe Guidelines des Learning Agreements). Im Fall gravierender Änderungen des Studienprogramms ist von der entsendenden Hochschule eine Tabelle D (analog zu Tabelle B) einzufügen (siehe Guidelines „Changes to the original Learning Agreement“). VOR- bzw. NACH RÜCKKEHR vom Erasmus-Auslandsaufenthalt (Section C des Learning Agreements) Am Ende des Auslandsaufenthaltes ist Tabelle E des Learning Agreements von der Gasthochschule zu unterzeichnen (Hinweis: der bei Tabelle E angegebene Zeitraum des Auslandsaufenthalts muss jenem in der Aufenthaltsbestätigung entsprechen!). An der Heimathochschule ist Tabelle F von dem für Anerkennungsfragen zuständigen Organ zu...
Table E academic outcomes at receiving institution Component code (if any) Component title (as indicated in the course catalogue) at the receiving institution Was the component successfully completed by the student? [Yes/No] Number of ECTS credits Receiving institution grade Total: Responsible person in the receiving institution: Signature and date: Table F: Recognition outcomes Component code (if any) Component title (as indicated in the course catalogue) at the sending institution Number of ECTS credits Sending institution grade, if applicable Total: Responsible person in the sending institution: Signature and date: Annex 1: Guidelines The purpose of the Learning Agreement is to provide a transparent and efficient preparation of the study period abroad and to ensure that the student will receive recognition in his/her degree for the educational components successfully completed abroad. It is recommended to use this template. However, if higher education institutions already have an IT system in place to produce the Learning Agreement or the Transcript of Records, they can continue using it. What is important is that all the information requested in this template is provided, no matter in which format, provided that it respects certain requirements outlined in the sections below. How to use the Learning Agreement: Before the mobility, it is necessary to fill in page 1 with information on the student, the sending and the receiving institutions and the three parties have to agree on the section to be completed before the mobility. On page 1, all the information mentioned will have to be encoded in the Mobility Tool. Institutions can decide to add more information (e.g. additional contact person in the coordinating institution of a consortium) or to request less in case some of the information is already provided in other documents internal to the institution. However, it should at least include the names of the two institutions, and names and contact details of the student and persons of contact in both the sending and receiving institutions. The section to be completed during the mobility should only be used if there are changes in the responsible persons or in case it is necessary to introduce changes to the original mobility programme. This section and the section before mobility should always be kept together in all communications. After the mobility, the receiving institution should send a Transcript of Records to the student and the sending institution. Final...

Examples of Table E in a sentence

  • Table A is entitled Actual and Attempted Extra-Judicial Killings and At- tacks; Table B starts at Page 18 and sets out Disappearances/Inadequate Inves- tigation; Table C is at Page 28 onwards and is entitled Torture/Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment; Table D starts at Page 36 and is entitled Arbitrary Arrest/Unlawful Detention; Table E at Page 45 is entitled Fair Trial Standards; finally Table F at Page 62 is called Freedom of the Press/Civil So- ciety.

  • Table E (or the representation that the institution makes of it) will include all the educational components agreed in table A and, if there were changes to the study programme abroad, in table C.

More Definitions of Table E

Table E academic outcomes at receiving institution Component code (if any) Component title (as indicated in the course catalogue) at the receiving institution Was the component successfully completed by the student? [Yes/No] Number of ECTS credits Receiving institution grade The University of Art and Design | Linz | accepts the Transcript of Records of the Erasmus+ Partner Institution. A copy of the transcript of records is attached or will be sent according to the institutional bilateral Erasmus+ agreement. Responsible person in the receiving institution: Signature: ……………………………………………………………… Date: ……………………………………………………………… Stamp:
Table E academic outcomes at the receiving institution/institutional partner abroad  ECTS Creditpoints  Semester hours (sh) Table F: recognition outcomes at the KUG/ final recognition TABLE E (HOST) TABLE F (HOME) Component code Component title Successfully completed by the student [Yes/No] ECTS /sh Receiving institution grade Component code Component title ECTS /sh Sending institution grade (if applicable) Total: Total: Date, Signature of the student Annex 1: Guidelines The purpose of the Learning Agreement is to provide a transparent and efficient preparation of the study period abroad and to ensure that the student will receive recognition in his/her degree for the educational components successfully completed abroad. It is recommended to use this template. However, if higher education institutions already have an IT system in place to produce the Learning Agreement or the Transcript of Records, they can continue using it. What is important is that all the information requested in this template is provided, no matter in which format, provided that it respects certain requirements outlined in the sections below. How to use the Learning Agreement: Before the mobility, it is necessary to fill in page 1 with information on the student, the sending and the receiving institutions and the three parties have to agree on the section to be completed before the mobility (pages 2 and 3). On page 1, all the information mentioned will have to be encoded in the Mobility Tool. Institutions can decide to add more information (e.g. additional contact person in the coordinating institution of a consortium) or to request less in case some of the information is already provided in other documents internal to the institution. However, it should at least include the names of the two institutions, and names and contact details of the student and persons of contact in both the sending and receiving institutions. The section to be completed during the mobility (page 4) should only be used if there are changes in the responsible persons or in case it is necessary to introduce changes to the original mobility programme. This section and the section before mobility (pages 1 to 4) should always be kept together in all communications. After the mobility, the receiving institution should send a Transcript of Records to the student and the sending institution (page 5). Finally the sending institution should issue a Transcript of Records (page 5) to the student or record the results in a data...
Table E academic outcomes at receiving institution Component code (if any) Component title (as indicated in the course catalogue) at the receiving institution Was the component successfully completed by the student? [Yes/No] Number of ECTS credits Receiving institution grade Total: [Signature of responsible person in receiving institution and date] The Student Last name (s) First name (s) Xxxxx di Studio Classe di Laurea Numero di matricola MINIMUM INFORMATION TO INCLUDE IN THE SENDING INSTITUTION'S TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS Start and end dates of the study period: from [day/month/year] till [day/month/year]. Table F: recognition outcomes at the sending institution Component code (if any) Title of recognised component (as indicated in the course catalogue) at the sending institution Number of ECTS credits Sending institution grade, if applicable Total: [Signature of responsible person in sending institution and date]
Table E. 33: BFI Nation A to Military Supply ship Nation B (Custody transfer point at the delivery point of BFI Nation A). NAVAL Fuels: F-75/F-76 DEPARTURE ARRIVAL Before loading (2) After loading Means of transportation Before unloading (1) (3) Reception tank  Type C on in-line sample at the loading point prior to each convoy/train and after change of feed tank.  Check certificate of analysis (Type C+ or B1 or B2) from the issuing tank. none  Type C+ on 1 representative sample (all levels or drain) for each compartment of the mean of transportation.  Check certificate of analysis (Type C+ or B1 or B2) from the issuing tank.  Type C+ on all level sample taken in every reception tank after settling time (Non- dedicated means only or doubt on the dedication).  .  Type C on in-line sample at the delivery point of the issuing depot.  Type B1 on in-line sample at the delivery point of issuing none  Type C+ on in-line sample.  Check certificate of analysis (Type C+ or B1 or B2) from the issuing tank.  Type C+ on all level sample taken in every reception tank after settling time (NPSS and Multi-products system only).   Type C on in-line sample. none  Type C+ on 1 representative sample for each compartment.  Each cargo compartment is to be sounded for water using water-finding  Type C+ on all level sample taken in every reception tank after settling time. paste.  Check certificate of analysis issued by the supplier.
Table E academic outcomes at receiving institution Component code (if any) Component title (as indicated in the course catalogue) at the receiving institution Was the component successfully completed by the student? [Yes/No] Number of ECTS credits Receiving institution grade Total: [Signature of responsible person in receiving institution and date] DOMAČI KOORDINATOR UPORABI OBSTOJEČI OBRAZEC “PREDLOG KOMISIJI ZA ŠTUDIJSKE ZADEVE ZA NEPOSREDNO PRIZNAVANJE V TUJINI OPRAVLJENIH OBVEZNOSTI” V KOMBINACIJI Z OBRAZCEM “INDIVIDUALNI PREDMETNIK”, PO SKLEPU KOMISIJE PA SE PRIZNANE OBVEZNOSTI VPIŠEJO V ŠIS (ELEKTRONSKI
Table E academic outcomes at receiving institution Tabuľka E: akademické výsledky dosiahnuté na hostiteľskej inštitúcii Component code (if any) Kód komponentu Component title (as indicated in the course catalogue) at the receiving institution Názov komponentu (ako je uvedené v katalógu kurzov) hostiteľskej inštitúcie Was the component successfully completed by the student? [Yes/No] Bol komponent úspešne ukončený študentom? [Áno/Nie] Number of ECTS credits Počet ECTS kreditov Receiving institution grade Známka na hostiteľskej inštitúcii Total Spolu: Name, Date and Signature of responsible person in receiving institution: Meno, dátum a podpis zodpovednej osoby na hostiteľskej inštitúcii Name: ............................................................ Date: .......................... Signature:.....................
Table E. (inclusive) means the Tables at the foot of this Schedule and respectively so lettered