Table E definition
Examples of Table E in a sentence
When groundwater analytical results indicate the detected levels are above Appendix B, Table E of 35 Illinois Administrative Code 742, the most stringent Tier 1 Groundwater Remediation Objectives for Groundwater Component of the Groundwater Ingestion Route for Class 1 groundwater, the groundwater shall be managed off-site as a special waste.
Table E (or the representation that the institution makes of it) will include all the educational components agreed in table A and, if there were changes to the study programme abroad, in table C.
Such amounts and any interest thereon shall be set forth by the State in Table E of this contract as soon as designs and cost estimates have been prepared by it subsequent to receipt of requests from the Agency as to the maximum monthly delivery capability to be provided in each aqueduct reach for transport and delivery of project water to the Agency, pursuant to Article 17(a): Provided, That the amounts set forth in Table E shall be subject to redetermination by the State in accordance with Article 28.
An Employee required to travel shall be provided by the Employer with all meals of a satisfactory nature or paid an allowance in lieu as set out in Table E of Schedule 1.
An Employee required to travel shall be paid an allowance for incidentals as set out in Table E of Schedule 1.
Such amounts are projected to be as set forth in Table E by the State.
The Allowances set out in Table E to this Agreement will be increased annually in accordance with movements in the consumer price sub-index group as provided in the Live Performance Award 2010.
Table E, Adopted Plans, in Appendix E identifies the applicable policies of the Comprehensive Plan and other adopted plans included by reference.
The exposure values associated with each credit quality step are as follows in Table E.
Income tax adjustments consist primarily of the tax impact of the non-GAAP pre-tax adjustments and the excess tax benefits on share-based compensation.See “About Non-GAAP Financial Measures” immediately following Table E for information on these measures, the items excluded from the most directly comparable GAAP measures in arriving at non-GAAP financial measures, and the reasons management uses each measure and excludes the specified amounts in arriving at each non-GAAP financial measure.