Examples of Technical advisory council in a sentence
Die Streitparteien und der Ständige Ausschuß stellen dem Schiedsgericht alle Mittel zur Verfügung, die zur wirksamen Durchführung des Verfahrens erforderlich sind.
A majority of the members of its governing body are independent producers.3249232493(D) "Technical advisory council" or "council" means the technical advisory council created in the division of mineral oil and gas resources management under section 1509.38 of the Revised Code.32494324953249632497 Sec.
You acknowledge and agree that if You delay, or fail to supply Us with the Client Information, then We may be unable to perform the Services and/or perform the Services properly in the timeframe specified, or at all.
Obtenido de http://www.economist.com/blogs/prospero/2013/03/women%E2%80%99s- liberation-britain Eddleston, K.