Tender Panel definition
Examples of Tender Panel in a sentence
A Tender Panel will evaluate responses to the tender objectively using the criteria and evaluation matrices defined below.
Contract and Tender Panel MembersStaff are identified who have a strong knowledge of the goods or services being tendered and how they are intended to be used within the University environment.
A Tender Panel consisting of the Chief Executive Officer, Land Development & Marketing Coordinator and Project Manager Town Centre Revitalisation will access the Tenders based on the following criteria: Price40%Submitted design(s)30%Time frame submitted for completion20%Relevant experience10% 100% The Tenders were received and assessed in accordance with the attachment.
Probity applies equally to the purchase of goods and services.• The following requirements should be considered throughout all stages of the procurement process:o Fairness and impartiality.o Use of a competitive process.o Consistency and transparency of process.o Security and confidentiality.o Identification and resolution of conflicts of interest.• The issue of probity is the responsibility of all stakeholders involved in the procurement process and all members of the Contract and Tender Panel.
If the Chair has a conflict of interest, approval to continue must be obtained from the relevant Pro Vice Chancellor or Chief Operating Officer.The report from the Contract and Tender Panel must indicate that the Chair asked members to disclose any conflict of interest, whether or not there were any conflicts and if so how these were resolved.
The tender process is required when there is no preferred supplier arrangement in place and the expenditure for an item or group of like items (which includes goods and services) will exceed $200,000 ex GST over the term of the agreement.A Contract and Tender Panel (or Category Council, in the case of sourcing events managed by the University Procurement Hub or ‘UPH’) is formed which recommends the selection of one or more suppliers.
Conflict of InterestThe Chair of the Contract and Tender Panel must ask members of the panel to declare any conflict of interest and document any conflicts prior to the tender being placed in the market place.
Some may think that the donkey, for example, does not get tired and they say, "Donkey work"! But the Scriptures say something different, "Six days you shall do your work, and on the seventh day you shall rest, that your ox and your donkey may rest, and the son of your female servant and the stranger may be refreshed.
Sourcing events run by the University Procurement Hub (UPH), which will be managed by a UPH Category Council (in place of the Contract and Tender Panel) on behalf of the University, reporting to the UPH Program Committee.
The weighting to be allocated to the Quality and Price element will be determined on a project-by-project basis taking account the nature of the contract and will be determined by the Tender Panel at the outset and prior to advertising.