Examples of TEQ in a sentence
COT recognised the lack of quantified TEFs for these compounds but said that “even if the TEFs for PXDDs, PXDFs and dioxin-like PXBs were up to four fold higher than assumed, their contribution to the total TEQ in the diet would still be small.
These are described in the individual instruction descriptions.When an Operand2 constant is used with the instructions MOVS, MVNS, ANDS, ORRS, ORNS, EORS, BICS, TEQ or TST, the carry flag is updated to bit[31] of the constant, if the constant is greater than 255 and can be produced by shifting an 8-bit value.
To convert D/F measurements to TEQ units, the owner or operator must use the procedures and equations in “Interim Procedures for Estimating Risks Associated with Exposures to Mixtures of Chlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and -Dibenzofurans (CDDs and CDFs) and 1989 Update” (EPA–625/3–89–016), incorporated by reference in §63.1502 of this subpart, available from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia, NTIS no.
In case of application of bioanalytical screening methods the result is expressed as Bioanalytical Equivalents (BEQ), whereas in case of application of physico-chemical GC-MS methods it is expressed as Toxic Equivalents (TEQ).
For dioxin contaminants the fertilizer must contain no more than eight (8) parts per trillion of dioxin, measured as toxic equivalent (TEQ).