Interim Procedures definition
Examples of Interim Procedures in a sentence
This information is being submitted in the manner directed by D.00-00-000 and the August 22, 2006, Administrative Law Judge’s Ruling Clarifying Interim Procedures for Complying with D.00-00-000 to demonstrate the confidentiality of the material and to invoke the protection of confidential utility information provided under either the terms of the IOU Matrix, Appendix 1 of D.00-00-000 and Appendix C of D.00-00-000, or General Order 66-C.
This information is being submitted in the manner directed by D.08-04-023 and the August 22, 2006 Administrative Law Judge’s Ruling Clarifying Interim Procedures for Complying with D.06-06-066 to demonstrate the confidentiality of the material and to invoke the protection of confidential utility information provided under either the terms of the IOU Matrix, Appendix 1 of D.06-06-066 and Appendix C of D.08-04-023, or General Order 66-C.
This information is being submitted in the manner directed by D.08-04-023 and the August 22, 2006, Administrative Law Judge’s Ruling Clarifying Interim Procedures for Complying with D.06-06-066 to demonstrate the confidentiality of the material and to invoke the protection of confidential utility information provided under either the terms of the Investor Owned Utility Matrix, Appendix 1 of D.06-06-066 and Appendix C of D.08-04-023, or Public Utilities Code section 454.5(g).
This information is being submitted in the manner directed by D.08-04-023 and the August 22, 2006 Administrative Law Judge’s Ruling Clarifying Interim Procedures for Complying with D.06-06-066 to demonstrate the confidentiality of the material and to invoke the protection of confidential utility information provided under either the terms of the IOU Matrix, Appendix 1 of D.06-06- 066 and Appendix C of D.08-04-023, or General Order 66-C.
MHBE Carrier and Qualified Plan Certification Interim Procedures .03 “Application Procedures” at ¶ D.
This information is being submitted in the manner directed by D.00-00-000 and the August 22, 2006, Administrative Law Judge’s Ruling Clarifying Interim Procedures for Complying with D.00-00-000 to demonstrate the confidentiality of the material and to invoke the protection of confidential utility information provided under either the terms of the IOU Matrix, Appendix 1 of D.06-06- 066 and Appendix C of D.00-00-000, or General Order 66-C.
III.B.2.a. Develop scope of work for evaluation of Interim Procedures.
PD Complete FY 95 SOW #62 (FWS, CO, UT, WY) III.B.2.b. Evaluate and revise Interim Procedures.
Disputes between Supplier and its customers shall be subject to the Dispute Resolution Procedures of the Interim Procedures.
In considering whether to accept a Commercial Availability Request, CITA will consider and determine whether the Request provides all the required information specified in Sections 3 and 4 of these Interim Procedures.