Examples of The 1990 baseline in a sentence
First, California committed “to reduce volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from agricultural and commercial structural pesticide applications by a maximum of 20 percent from the 1990 baseline emission inventory to the year 2005.” The 1990 baseline was to be established using 1991 VOC pesticide emission data, adjusted to represent the 1990 base year.
The 1990 baseline has been revised upward to 3.95 billion hectares – an increase of 15% according to FRA2000.
The 1990 baseline inventory of VOCs for the South Coast Air Basin was 1,517 tons per day (ARB, 1994b).
The 1990 baseline represents statewide emissions and not the emissions of individual cities and counties.
The 1990 baseline represents estimated toxics emissions before any of the programs added by the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendment were implemented.
The 1990 baseline, asdescribed by EPA’s emission inventory guidance, is the amount ofanthropogenic VOC emissions emitted on a typical summer day.18258 Federal Register / Vol.
In order to demonstrate that this requirement is met, which must be done every three years, it was necessary to develop a backcasted 1990 inventory for VOCs and NOx. The 1990 baseline inventory will be changed as a result of this process.
EPA points to two studies that have distinguished PCBs as the overriding causative agent of toxicity in the Harbor: The 1990 baseline ecological risk assessment (Ebasco, 1990a) and a toxicity evaluation and identification study by Ho et al.
The 1990 baseline refers to the aggregate amount of net UK emissions of 𝐶02 for that year, and the net UK emissions of each of the other targeted GHGs for the year that is the base year for that gas (legislation.gov.uk, 2019a).
The 1990 baseline VOC emissions from this facility were estimated at 3380.23 lbs/day during the ozone season.