The Occupant definition

The Occupant means the persons renting the cottage
The Occupant. The Resort: WESTCAN INCOME LIMITD PARTNERSHIP III, by its general partner, WESTCAN INCOME TRUST III by its trustee, WESTCAN INCOME (3) LTD. Per: Occupant 1 (signature) & Spouse (optional) Name: Witness name (signature) Title:
The Occupant means the PURCHASER or 3rd PARTY OCCUPANT to whom this Agreement shall apply where the context so indicates (mutatis mutandi). (Minimum age of 60)

Examples of The Occupant in a sentence

  • The Occupant agrees to pay the Owner for the use of the space and improvement thereon, the monthly sum listed above as the Monthly Rate.

  • The Occupant agrees that the property will not be used for any purposes unlawful or contrary to any ordinance, regulation, fire code or health code and the Occupant agrees not to commit waste, nor to create a nuisance, nor alter, nor affix signs on the space, and will keep the space in good condition during the term of the Agreement.

  • The Occupant agrees not to store any explosives, or any flammable, odorous, noxious, corrosive, hazardous or pollutant materials or any other goods in the space that would cause danger or nuisance to the space or facility.

  • The Occupant assumes full responsibility for all persons who have keys and access to the Space.

  • The Occupant agrees not to store any explosives, tires, or any flammable, odorous, noxious, corrosive, hazardous or pollutant materials or any other goods in the space that would cause danger or nuisance to the space or facility.

  • The Occupant shall not assign this Agreement or sublet the Space.

  • The Occupant agrees that the Space and the property will not be used for any unlawful purposes or contrary to any law, ordinance, regulation, fire code or health code and the Occupant agrees not to commit waste, nor to create a nuisance, nor alter, nor affix signs on the Space or anywhere on the Property, and will keep the Space and the Property in good condition during the term of this Agreement.

  • The Occupant agrees that the Space is not appropriate for the storage of jewels, furs, heirlooms, art works, collectibles or other irreplaceable items having special sentimental or emotional value to the Occupant and Occupant agrees not to store said items.

  • The Occupant hereby waives any claim for sentimental or emotional value for the Occupant’s property that is stored in the Space or on the Property.

  • The Occupant must keep the Space locked and must provide his own lock and key.

More Definitions of The Occupant

The Occupant the person approved and accepted by the Company and to whom it allocates the Room;
The Occupant means the persons renting the cottage. ‘The Owner’ means Jenny and Owain Cole.
The Occupant means the party living in the Property;
The Occupant. – means and includes Isamil Asem and Madiha both of 61/34 Campbell Parade jointly and severally and his/her or their executors, administrators and successors in title and permitted assigns

Related to The Occupant

  • Authorized occupant means a person entitled to occupy a dwelling unit with the consent of the

  • bicycle parking space – occupant means an area that is equipped with a bicycle rack or locker for the purpose of parking and securing bicycles, and:

  • Home occupation means an occupation permitted in a dwelling unit and which:

  • Permitted Occupier means if used in the Agreement, any person who is licensed or permitted by the Landlord to reside at the Property together with the Tenant and who does so as a rent free licensee of the Tenant.

  • Owner-occupied means property that is the principal

  • Child-occupied facility means a building or portion of a building constructed prior to 1978, visited regularly by the same child, age six years or younger on at least two different days within any week (Sunday through Saturday period), provided that each day’s visit lasts at least three hours and the combined weekly visit lasts at least six hours, and the combined annual visits last at least 60 hours. Child-occupied facilities may include, but are not limited to, day-care centers, preschools and kindergarten classrooms.

  • the Tenant means the party(ies) named on the tenancy agreement as the tenant of The Property.

  • Subtenant means any Person entitled to occupy, use, or possess any Premises under a Sublease.

  • Landlord Default shall have the meaning given such term in Article 14.

  • Prior Occupancy means Owner’s use of all or parts of the Project before Substantial Completion, as more fully set forth in Section 6.08 A.

  • Additional Rent means any and all amounts, other than Basic Rent, required to be paid by the Tenant under this Lease, whether or not same are designated “Additional Rent” or whether or not the same are payable by Landlord;

  • Transient occupancy means occupancy in transient lodging that has all of the following

  • Sublessee means any party to whom Lessee grants the right to possess all or any portion of the Premises according to a Sublease.

  • Lessor means a person who transfers the right to possession and use of goods under a lease. Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the term includes a sublessor.

  • Landlord shall have the meaning given such term in the preambles to this Agreement and shall also include their respective permitted successors and assigns.

  • Occupant means any person or persons over the age of eighteen years in possession of the property.

  • Tenant means a person entitled under a rental agreement to occupy a dwelling unit to the exclusion of others.

  • Additional Rents means amounts payable under any Lease for (i) the payment of additional rent based upon a percentage of the Tenant’s business during a specified annual or other period (sometimes referred to as “percentage rent”), (ii) so-called common area maintenance or “CAM” charges, and (iii) so called “escalation rent” or additional rent based upon such tenant’s allocable share of insurance, real estate taxes or operating expenses or labor costs or cost of living or xxxxxx’x wages or otherwise.

  • Leasehold Mortgagee means the holder of a Leasehold Mortgage.

  • Sublandlord means the holder of sublandlord’s interest under this Sublease. In the event of any assignment or transfer of the Sublandlord’s interest under this Sublease, which assignment or transfer may occur at any time during the Term in Sublandlord’s sole discretion, Sublandlord shall be and hereby is entirely relieved of all covenants and obligations of Sublandlord hereunder accruing subsequent to the date of the transfer and it shall be deemed and construed, without further agreement between the parties hereto, that any transferee has assumed and shall carry out all covenants and obligations thereafter to be performed by Sublandlord hereunder. Sublandlord may transfer and deliver the then existing Letter of Credit to the transferee of Sublandlord’s interest under this Sublease, and thereupon Sublandlord shall be discharged from any further liability with respect thereto. In addition, Sublandlord shall comply with all of its obligations as “Tenant” under the Master Lease except to the extent that any such obligation is the obligation of Subtenant pursuant to the terms of this Sublease. Notwithstanding any other term or provision of this Sublease, the liability of Subtenant to Sublandlord for any default in Subtenant’s obligations under this Sublease shall be limited to actual, direct damages, and under no circumstances shall Sublandlord, its partners, members, shareholders, directors, agents, officers, employees, contractors, sublessees, successors and/or assigns be entitled to recover from Subtenant (or otherwise be indemnified by Subtenant) for lost revenues, lost profit or other consequential, special or punitive damages arising in connection with this Sublease for any reason, except for any breach by Subtenant under Section 32 of the Master Lease. Notwithstanding any other term or provision of this Sublease, no personal liability shall at any time be asserted or enforceable against Subtenant’s shareholders, directors, officers, or partners on account of any of Subtenant’s obligations or actions under this Sublease.

  • Sublessor means one who conveys real property by sublease."

  • Base Monthly Rent means the fixed monthly rent payable by Tenant pursuant to Section 3.1 which is specified in Section K of the Summary.

  • the Landlord means the party named on the first page of this Agreement and any successor and any person who has an interest as heritable proprietor in The Property, even if not named in this Agreement. The Landlord agrees to inform The Agent, in writing, of any changes to ownership of The Property, contact telephone numbers, postal or e-mail addresses as soon as possible and in any event within 7 days of the change.

  • Lessee means a person who acquires the right to possession and use of goods under a lease. Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the term includes a sublessee.

  • Landlord’s Statement An instrument containing a computation of any Additional Rent due pursuant to the provisions of this Article 5.

  • Net Rent means all rental Landlord actually receives from any reletting of all or any part of the Premises, less any indebtedness from Tenant to Landlord other than Rent (which indebtedness is paid first to Landlord) and less the Re-entry Costs (which costs are paid second to Landlord).