Therapeutic living environment definition

Therapeutic living environment means a living environment:

Related to Therapeutic living environment

  • Hostile environment means a situation in which bullying among students is sufficiently severe or pervasive to alter the conditions of the school climate;

  • Animal means any nonhuman animate being endowed with the power of voluntary action.

  • Customer Environment means Customer’s data network/equipment and premises environment.

  • Fluoroscopic imaging assembly means a subsystem in which X-ray photons produce a visual image. It includes the image receptor(s) such as the image intensifier and spot-film device, electrical interlocks, if any, and structural material providing linkage between the image receptor and diagnostic source assembly.

  • Radionuclide means a radioactive element or a radioactive isotope.

  • Biological agent shall mean any pathogenic (disease producing) micro-organism(s) and/or biologically produced toxin(s) (including genetically modified organisms and chemically synthesized toxins) which cause illness and/or death in humans, animals or plants.

  • Operating Environment means, collectively, the platform, environment and conditions on, in or under which the Software is intended to be installed and operate, as set forth in the Statement of Work, including such structural, functional and other features, conditions and components as hardware, operating software and system architecture and configuration.

  • Environment means soil, land surface or subsurface strata, surface waters (including navigable waters and ocean waters), groundwaters, drinking water supply, stream sediments, ambient air (including indoor air), plant and animal life and any other environmental medium or natural resource.

  • Tissue means a portion of the human body other than an organ or an eye. The term does not include blood unless the blood is donated for the purpose of research or education.