Examples of Therapeutic service in a sentence
Therapeutic service providers must have appropriate state licensure or licensed supervision and education in Substance Abuse and/or Trauma Informed services.
Therapeutic service provid- ers must be trained in the dynamics of family vio- lence in order to successfully address the children’s’ needs; clinical settings would do well to employ an empowerment model.
Therapeutic service providers must have appropriate state licensure or licensed supervision and education inSubstance Abuse and/or Trauma Informed services.
Therapeutic service providers are faced with questions of informed consent regarding children receiving treatment in residential facilities.
The services offered include: IDVA Support for those wishing to stay at home Economic support through Covid Therapeutic counselling Therapeutic service for children & young people Training for GPs Refuge services They operate a no waiting list policy and try and manage demand by flexible use of resources.
Therapeutic service system for repeat and high-risk offenders: Under the current Youth Justice System, Magistrates have options to defer sentence or to release a young person on certain conditions.
Therapeutic service includes the differential assessment.The admission date cannot be greater than the current date.
Having identified this gap in local services, Victim Support Malta developed the Suicide Prevention, Outreach and Therapeutic service (SPOT), aimed to provide support and a space to process issues, such as complex grief and difficulty, helping individuals to establish a sense of identity; and to break the cycle of suicide amongst these at-risk groups, and thus to act as a preventative measure for potential future suicide attempts or completions.
Children and Young People Therapeutic service is delivered by Harbour Support Services and was recommissioned in Nov 2016.