Examples of Thermal power plant in a sentence
Based on above circumstances, as a result of the discussion between the Government of Mongolia and JICA in November 2011, both parties reached to common recognition that preparatory survey for the formation of the rehabilitation project of Thermal power plant NO.4 by Japanese ODA loan should be carried out.
For that purpose, Mongolian government is planning to shut down existing inefficient Thermal power plant NO.2 and NO.3, and to continue power and heat supply in capital area by operation of Thermal power plant NO.4 and by construction of new Thermal power plant NO.5. Thermal power plant NO.4, constructed in 1983, is major power and heat supply source, which has a key role to supply approx.
The district has a Thermal power plant at Shakthinagar that covers a large portion of electricity consumption in Karnataka.
Thermal power plant needs capital investment of Rs. 1800/kw approx.
Therefore, in order to continue to operate Thermal power plant NO.4 in future, as a major power and heat supply source, urgent replacement and rehabilitation is necessary.According to National Development Strategy (2007–2021) of Mongolian government, it is planned to increase efficiency of energy sectors and to secure reliability of energy supply, and also in Government Action Plan (2008–2012), securing stable power and heat supply is set as political goal.