Electric Utilities definition
Examples of Electric Utilities in a sentence
In accordance with the provisions of the Electric Utilities Act (the "Act") and the Regulations made thereunder (the "Regulations"), as either may be amended or replaced from time to time, FortisAlberta Inc.
In accordance with Section 125 of the Electric Utilities Act, and based on the approval of the franchise agreement in this decision, the Commission approves Fortis’ Municipal Franchise Fee Rider and finds the amounts to be just and reasonable.
The recovery and payments shall be based on an amortization period not exceeding three years in the case of electric corporations regulated by the CPUC or five years for Local Publicly Owned Electric Utilities.
All such applications shall be subject to both these Terms and Conditions of Service and the Oklahoma Corporation Commission’s General Rules and Regulations Governing the Operations of Electric Utilities.
Rate discounts may be available for low-income customers that have been qualified by the Low-Income Telephone & Electric Utilities (LITE UP) Texas Program.
Local Publicly Owned Electric Utilities whose transmission facilities are under ISO Operational Control shall file with the FERC their proposed High Voltage Transmission Revenue Requirements, and any proposed changes thereto, under procedures determined by the FERC to be applicable to such filings and shall give notice to the ISO and to all Scheduling Coordinators of any such filing.
Documents removed from process files are placed in the permanent files after all processing is complete (i.e., placing bank verifications or CDBG-DR contract payment transactions in a CDBG-DR Receipt File).
Be it resolved that the Legislative Assembly urge the Government to not proclaim Bill 27 (the Electric Utilities Amendment Act, 1998) and instead appoint a broadly based task force to investigate and hold public consultations on all aspects of Alberta’s electrical system.
The USEPA and the Ohio Electric Utilities have agreed to consider the procedures as federally enforceable during the time from the effective date of this permit to the effective date of USEPA approval of the procedures as a revision to the Ohio SIP for particulate matter.
This Agreement is subject to all applicable legislation, including the Electric Utilities Act (Alberta) and the regulations made thereunder, and all applicable orders, rulings, regulations and decisions of the AUC or any other regulatory authority having jurisdiction over EDTI or the matters addressed herein.