Examples of Geothermal fluid in a sentence
In 2003, PNOC-EDC presented a project technical report entitled “ Origin of rare earth gases in the Palinpinon Geothermal fluid as traced from isotopic and elemental compositions” during the 24th Annual PNOC -EDC Geothermal Conference held in Manila, Philippines.
Schemat włączenia otworu geotermalnego i pompy ciepła w Konstantynowie w system ciepłowniczy Geothermal fluid at 70°C would be used to heat cold water at around 10°C through a heat exchanger, to 65°C.
Geothermal fluid is specifically made not subject to appropriation, thereby excluding it from being a water right.
Geothermal fluid shall be injected into the same geothermal area from which it was withdrawn in the Atlantic Coastal Plain.
Heat exchanger BINARY CYCLE Turbine PowerCondenserCooled water Geothermal fluid ReinjectionPump Figure 2.2 Binary geothermal power plant.The cycle shown in figure 2.2, uses isobutene as the binary heat transfer fluid.