Examples of Think Beyond in a sentence
Thus, getting clients out of the zero-sum competitive mindset and into a more cooperative “win-win” mindset will help ensure a more productive mediation session.2. Think Beyond the Specific Issues in DisputeWhile courts are limited in the relief they can grant, in mediation, the parties have flexibility to reach agreement on a wider range of issues that may not be part of the existing litigation.
Respectful treatment of people in the workplace is central to our established Corus Values whereby we commit ourselves to Win Together, Think Beyond, Make It Happen, Show We Care and Learn Every Day.
Think Beyond Staff #2: Leverage The Capacity Of External Partners Recognize the characteristics required of internal staff to effectively leverage partners.Gary Cohen of HCWH points out that managing partners is often more akin to the role of a community organizer, where the role is to “build citizen power” outside of the organization as opposed to managing outcomes.
Key Benefits of Undersea Autonomy: Think Beyond the “3Ds”Today’s debate about autonomous systems centers around the “3D” paradigm suggesting that autono- mous systems are useful because the can conduct “dull, dirty, and dangerous” missions.
Outreach to the disabled community is made through these sites: Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD) Deaf to Work Enable America Land A Job Think Beyond the Label United Spinal Association US.jobs Disability Workforce Recruitment Program In addition, UCLA posts many of its academic positions on the Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC).
Think Beyond Pure Tech (Symantec)A guide for how CISOs can increase security budgets and further tackle privacy and security concerns.Considerations for Using Data Responsibly at USAID (USAID) A Phase Three exemplar that shows how to best assess risk.
CRSN StudentsThink! Beyond the BanksFriends of the Chicago River and its flagship education program, the Chicago River Schools Network (CRSN), received generous grants from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources’ Coastal Management Program and the Wrigley Company Foundation to implement the Think! Beyond the Banks program.
As CWRU renewed its commitment to internationalization in the 2013-2018 CWRU strategic plan Think Beyond the Possible, it became clear that the university was poised to move into a new phase of international initiatives.
The Challenge yielded two key outcomes: ▪ Building Awareness to Think Beyond DER Silos.
The new educational facility here in Wallingford provides state of the art resources to support the upcoming curriculum.Ed Meaney, CPCU, of Think Beyond, LLC will coordinate the Academy.