Third Party Vehicle definition
Examples of Third Party Vehicle in a sentence
Third Party Vehicle Inspection Program by Underwriters Laboratories to ensure our products are 100% N.F.P.A. compliant to 1901 standards.
The case of Edrick Leandre, a former director general of the Office of Third Party Vehicle Insurance, whom authorities arrested in 2011 on charges of corruption and embezzlement of public funds, remained pending as of September.
At first he chose the red almost uniformly, and at no time during these fifty tests did he exhibit ability to choose the right box by color discrimination.
Particulars of Third Party Vehicle Involved or of Other Property Damaged (第三者之車輛或財物損壞的情形)Contact no (聯絡電話)Name of owner/driver (司機/物主姓名)Extent of damages (損壞情況)Type, make, model and colour of the vehicle (車輛類別、廠名、款式及顏色)Vehicle registration mark or other damaged property (車牌號碼或其他損壞物件名稱)Is there any person(s) injured?(是否有人受傷)□ Yes □ No( 是 ) ( 否 )Name(s) and injuries sustained (姓名及受傷情況)Age(年齡)Sex(性別)7.
Taking into account the Wigner-Eckart theo- rem we haveφ+ = φ− = φsince the operator is a scalar (i.e. the Clebsch-Gordan coefficient is trivial).
Year of Make …………..… Details of damage to Third Party Vehicle ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Where Damage To Third Party Vehicle Or Property• Obtain details of third party's Name, Address and Insurance Company.• Do not discuss fault or make any admission of liability.• Complete Claim Form relating to damage to third party property.• Forward Claim Form with any Letter of Demand to Baptist Insurance Services /Insurer.Corporate TravelOverseas Emergency Assistance Travel Emergency Cards have been issued by your Corporate Travel underwriter and can be obtained from Baptist Insurance Services.
Where Damage To Third Party Vehicle Or Property• Obtain details of third party's Name, Address and Insurance Company.• Do not discuss fault or make any admission of liability.• Complete Claim Form relating to damage to third party property.• Forward Claim Form with any Letter of Demand to Baptist Insurance Services /Insurer.Corporate TravelOverseas Emergency Assistance Travel Emergency Cards have been issued by your Corporate Travel underwriter and can be obtained from Baptist Insurance Services.
Without prejudice to the provision of other goods or services that are provided and which are not a necessary feature of access to the site and the Testing Equipment for Testing or of the charging of Fees for Testing, no other fee or charge, however described, may be levied on any Third Party by the ATF Party or any other person in relation to the Testing carried out on a Third Party Vehicle at the ATF Site.
Where Damage To Third Party Vehicle Or Property Obtain details of third party's Name, Address and Insurance Company. Do not discuss fault or make any admission of liability. Complete Claim Form relating to damage to third party property. Forward Claim Form with any Letter of Demand to Baptist Insurance Services /Insurer.