Examples of Threshold pressure in a sentence
Threshold pressure and AWR Scores (17)CRD in rats induces the contractions of abdominal and hind limb musculature, which has been validated as a quantitative measure of VH.
Our aim here is to find pressure P 'threshold, discussed in the next section.at which nucleation starts and for this, one needs to find J at Threshold pressure criterionFormation of nuclei at a given supersaturation can be treated as a sequence of random events.
Threshold pressure for shock-driven decomposition of PMDI polyurethane along its principal Hugoniot, as a function of initial porosity.
Threshold pressure for drop breakup Psplash (filled symbols) and thin-sheet creation Psheet (empty symbols) vs.
H., Tsunekawa, Y., Okumiya, M., Higashi, M., Niimi, I.: Threshold pressure for infiltration in mica-ceramic particle/aluminum composite.
Threshold pressure for cBN formation > 10 GPa hBN untreated 8.0 GPa Defective hBN *Partial cBN formation 6.0 GPa Small size hBN*Partial cBN formation 5.5 GPa Milled hBNBaseline conditions for bulk cBN: 8 GPa x > 2100-2400°C x 20 min for high purity hBNPressure- Conditions: 7.5 GPa x 1800°C x 2 min 🡨 Collaboration with ‘Institute for Superhard Materials of the National Academy ofSciences of Ukraine’.: A partnership through NATO program on ‘Superhard Materials’ Fig.