Examples of Time at large in a sentence
Time at large could be applied partially in the countries under civil law by allowing the contractor to complete the remaining works in a reasonable time but the liquidated damages to be applied after this reasonable time.
Time at large is a very important concept and often missed by the contractors despite that it could help them to avoid the application of liquidated damages or penalties in case of the approval delay by the engineer/employer for the extension of time claims and allows the contractor to complete the work within reasonable time.
Time at large is a common lawcontractor can possibly overcome concept which is not found withinUAE law.18.
The particulate must not contain hazardous substances such that it causes an adverse effect (including on human health) at or beyond the legal boundary of the site.
Time at large was 355 days for black sea bass and 723 days foryellowtail flounder.
Daniel Atkinson, (April 2007), Time at large, adjudication, arbitration, and mediation by Atkinson-law with articles on construction.Ethiopian Economic Association (EEA) Sep 2008, Report on the Ethiopian economy Volume VI 2006/07 (The current state of the construction industry).FIDIC (1987).
Tha a’ cho-labhairt a’ mairsinn seachdainn be-PRES the conference ASP last-VN week ‘The conference is lasting a week’ b.
Time at large telescopes, as the 3.6 meters Telescopio Nazionale Galileo, the ESO/MPG 2.2 meters and 0.6 meters of the Pontificia Universitade Catolica de Chile was obtained for the study of these two novae.
Therefore the recommendation will focus in addressing the major problems identified through the research processes.1. Conditions of contract should clearly state about enforcement for consultants/employers to respond time claim on the specified time on the contract.2. Both consultants and contractors should be aware about concurrent delays and Time at large concepts and should exercise in time extension delay analysis as per applicable low.
Time at large and distance traveled for fish released inSNE (vertical line represents 1 year from release).few exceptions, recoveries show a clear pattern of short term residency during the SFS followed by longer dis- tance migrations with the passage of time through the FM, WF and SM.