Examples of To ship in a sentence
To ship, offer for shipment, offer for entry, im- port, receive for transportation, carry, or otherwise transport or move, or allow to be moved into, through, or within the United States.Organism.
The tender, and all correspondence and documents, related to the tender, exchanged between the bidder and the buyershall be written in the English language only.
Manifest Shipments of Hazardous Waste To ship hazardous wastes off site, Regulated Generators must prepare a Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest Form which identifies the contents of the shipment, the transport company used and the facility receiving the wastes.
To ship personal goods via air freight on United Airlines the following procedures should be followed: * Call 1-800-825-8671.
To ship bloods, place the tubes into canister of a STP-210 SAF-T-PAK shipper for category B substances, wrapping each tube in bubble wrap and using the absorbent paper at the bottom of the canister.