Examples of Tobacco distributor in a sentence
No person may engage in the retail or wholesale distribution of tobacco products in this state without a li- cense, except for any person immune from state taxation, including federally recognized Indian tribes and enrolled tribal members, con- ducting business within Indian country, and the United States or its instrumentalities.(202) Tobacco distributor license.
No person may engage in the retail or wholesale distribution of tobacco products in this state without a li cense, except for any person immune from state taxation, including federally recognized Indian tribes and enrolled tribal members, con ducting business within Indian country, and the United States or its instrumentalities.(202) Tobacco distributor license.
No person may engage in the retail or wholesale distribution of tobacco products in this state without a license, except for any person immune from state taxation, including federally recognized Indian tribes and enrolled tribal members, conducting business within Indian country, and the United States or its instrumentalities.(202) Tobacco distributor license.